The holistic health of people is inextricably linked to the health of the Earth. Soils play a very special role in this – they are conductors of life energies, part of the Earth’s thermoregulatory system, home to microflora, nutrients for plants, home to their physical connection with the Earth, they are an organ of Earth’s living being, soil co-creates plants and plants co-create soil. A one-sided, materialistic approach to understanding soil in relation to human health cannot provide a comprehensive insight into its importance. This is possible by taking into account a holistic approach that treats the Earth as a living being, which is vitally connected to the Cosmic whole and cooperates with the Cosmos, interacts physically, energetically and with its consciousness.
The current soil in Europe got its basic food from a huge, billions of tons of rock dust. The garage work was done by the glaciers, which during the ice ages in Europe, ground and deposited huge amounts of stone dust from the rocks. After the retreat of the glaciers, forests grew profusely on such land. Dead plant parts weathered into the soil that hosted the plants and the dead plants hosted it. Under the ground there is and always is a mineral, rock base.
Minerals are known to have a crystalline structure. Each crystal vibrates with its own frequency, so the crystal also has its own energy, actually the energy of the element or elemental energy. Their static, firmness is therefore only a form visible to our eyes. Minerals radiate their own energy and absorb energy from the environment.
Life in the primordial forces flows from the Cosmos, not from the earth. The mineral world in the earth’s crust has the ability to receive the planetary forces of the Cosmos. One type of such forces, such energies are ethereal forces or the energies of life radiating from the soil into the plants to grow upward. Different minerals respond to these energies differently, according to their own energy frequencies. Different plants, in their life process, attract astral forces from the Cosmos to them in different ways. astral energy. The influence of the astral on the plant, among other things, causes the formation of essential oils, grenils, saponins and substances that are classified as plant poisons. Plants that have a more pronounced ability to attract astral forces are known as medicinal plants. Humans can perceive the presence of the astral in plants with their senses – like their smell and taste. The third important energy factor is the forces of order or energies of order. The forces of order in the plant balance the forces of life that influence growth. With their action, it is possible that the forces of life in plants are also regulated, in balance, that life is properly structured. In order for the forces of order to flow into the plants, certain conditions must be ensured in the soil from which the plants grow. Plants enter into relationships and processes with all kingdoms of Nature, including that which has its own spirituality. There is intelligent life in their cells, they take in the energy of the Sun, they create substances that they exchange, they open the ground with their roots. Their liveliness is the result of their intelligence and interaction, the relationship between the Cosmos and the earth from which they grow, and the mineral under this earth. The coloring of plant parts and their shapes are the result of their ability to attract the forces of the planets and their mutual relationships – in the greenery live the cosmic forces of the Sun, in red flowers we recognize the force of Mars, in yellow and white the forces of Jupiter, in blue the forces of Saturn.
In most current school books, from which we learn about plant growth in schools, it is written that plants take water and substances from the soil. They also teach us about the importance of light for photosynthesis. They do not cover all knowledge about the energies that plants take in, nor about the energies that plants emit and transmit in the form of food to humans and animals. Undoubtedly, when thinking about the high-quality food provided to people and animals by the cultivation of plants, it is appropriate to take into account the knowledge that the order of the cycle of forces determines the actual quality. This is a very important fact, because the actual quality of food significantly affects the quality of people’s lives.

Soil is a living organism of Nature that hosts plants, co-creates them and plants co-create it. It contains countless tiny creatures that co-create the formation of soil. The most important cultivator of the earth is not man, but a worm, an earthworm! The earthworm has enormous amounts of microorganisms in its digestive tract, which it introduces into the soil with its secretions. As they move through the finger, they constantly secrete mucus. This slime solidifies their burrows, which are vents in the soil and retain erosion. Earthworms can process their own weight in soil per day! They calculated that the weight of earthworm secretions is 5% of the soil weight at the plowing depth each year. Earthworm secretions contain five times more nitrogen, seven times more phosphorus, eleven times more potassium and a third more bacteria than the soil from the top 15 cm layer. The food of earthworms is fallen leaves. If we remove it from surfaces, we take away their food. In three months, earthworms are able to use up to 90% of fallen leaves from the surface of the orchard for their food.
We can learn a lot from the past. Also about how the civilizations before us understood the living earth. During the time of Egypt, Cleopatra decreed that earthworms were sacred animals. She strictly forbade disturbing them, harming them in any way or removing them.
So let’s allow the earthworms, these wonderful helpers, to help us as it is intended in Nature and in Creation.
A century-old delusion
German chemist Justus von Liebig, lived in the years 1803-1873. His name is well known to most agronomists. He wrote down a thesis that became a rule known as the Law of the Minimum. In it, he says that the development and growth of plants depends on the essential nutrient, which is the least present in the growing medium of the plant. If, for example, if we add a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus and iron to a plant under certain unchanged environmental conditions, but at the same time not enough potassium, the growth of such a plant will be suppressed due to the lack of potassium. According to Leibig’s rule, the Law of the Minimum, it is necessary to fertilize cultivated plants with that material element or substance that is not enough in the soil. This rule of his also applies to animals or to those substances that are necessary for the growth of organisms. With this, Justus von Leibig founded artificial fertilization in agriculture, as we know it today.
There are quite a few problems and fallacies with this Leibigian concept.
First, I point out the mindset that erath / soil is just a link between living and non-living, the sum of dead matter.
Secondly, this concept completely ignores the scientifically proven facts about natural transmutation, which is a completely natural phenomenon.
To this we can add concepts about the self-regulation of the living organism Earth / Gaia, i.e. homeostasis and homeodynamics.
The essence of life is aliveness, which cannot be explained only by understanding what is inanimate. The substances that Leibig talks about in his aforementioned law are lifeless. The soil as such is result and synergy of life processes, soil is not a product of dead materials! The vitality of the soil and life in general must be known and understood also in energy, not only in form and as a synergistic part of the ecosystem, as a synergistic part of the whole of Nature and Creation.
Fertilizing or Naturally Nurturing – This should no longer be a question neither an issue for Restoring and Strengthening the Soil’s Natural Fertility!
The natural, biological transmutation of elements in the soil and other living organisms, has long been a confirmed fact
Natural, biologica non-radioactive, low-energy transmutation of light elements in plant, animals and minerals, is a term for the natural, “automatic change” of one chemical element into another.
• Biological Transmutations | Alchemy Inside the Living System (short video)
Layman’s explanation: According to this concept, plants are able to provide themselves with nutrients that they need and that are not (enough) in the soil, by changing the existing chemical elements in the soil to those that they need more, but they are lacking in the soil. In the eighth chapter of the book Biological Transmutation (2), author prof. Kervan explains some scientific studies on this topic, from 1799 onwards.
“Long before the discovery of “cold fusion” by Pons and Fleischman, other scientists had variously found phenomenal evidence of non-radioactive, low-energy transmutation of light elements in plant, animals and minerals. These reactions have come to be known as “biological transmutations” or “nuclido-biological reactions”. This class of nuclear reactions is of great importance to the progress of human knowledge in the fields of physics, cosmology, biology, geology, ecology, medicine, nutrition and agriculture. The exact mechanisms of biological transmutations remain unknown, though a few theories have been proposed to explain them. Biological transmutations exist and cannot be denied; they are the very core of living nature, which could not function without them”. (2)
The historical overview of topic Biological transmutations is well explains in Article Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective, written by author Jean-Paul Biberian, Aix-Marseille University, 13288 Marseille, France (4).
“Over the past two centuries a large number of experiments with animals, seeds and bacteria, have demonstrated that biology is not only a chemical process, but also a nuclear one. It has been demonstrated that some minerals transmute into other minerals. With the development of low energy nuclear reactions (cold fusion), this topic, is back in the scientific agenda. Very few scientists work in this field, but its importance is such that its further development is crucial.” (3)
We should know and take this into account: George Ohsawa’s translation and interpretation of Kervran’s theory of biological transmutation, in which elements can transmute to other elements in the biological body.
“Professor Kervran died February 2, 1983. Just three months prior, his last book, Biological Transmutations and Modern Physics, his “swan song”, had been published by Maloine, Paris. I had this book translated and the typescript has now been partially edited. Subsequently, Chris retrieved from Europe hundreds of pages of Professor Kervran’s worldwide correspondence together with an incredible number of published and unpublished papers and articles, including copies of all of Kervran’s eight published books. In the fall of 1984, Chris translated the entirety of the 1970 book, Biological Transmutations in Agronomy, a series of lectures given by Kervran at the National Institute for Agronomy in 1969. He also translated hundreds of pages of correspondence, and our own translator finished this part of the project.
Professor Kervran’s archive file now contains over 5000pages. The accumulation of related materials seems endless. I have resisted a number of requests to edit and publish the three fully translated books. Together, Professor Kervran’s many books display a valuable progression of knowledge, but individually they do not do justice to the man or his ideas. Michel Abehsera’s translation avoids this problem by summarizing Professor Kervran’s pre-1970 position. A major book is in the formative stages, a book which will not only detail Professor Kervran’s saga, but also compare and contrast his observations and theories with those of others. In addition there are new perspectives in both physics and biology to be integrated into this fascinating story.
The biological transmutation hypothesis cannot be treated as an isolated subject. It questions the very nature of substance, a subject philosophers and physicists alike continue to ponder.
I remain convinced there are elemental transmutations in living systems, and further, that living systems may very well also create elements. Curiously, in the final analysis, it becomes difficult to distinguish between transmutation and creation.
To my best knowledge, of the thousands of experiments performed to prove or disprove Professor Kervran’s theory, none are conclusive. This is to say, in the view of normal science, each and every experiment contains a flaw, some factual, some simply a loophole through which doubt can enter and invalidate the data. Fundamental problems remain to be resolved in designing a scientifically acceptable crucial experiment.
First, there is the problem of measuring the before and after composition of a singular living system. To satisfy the scientific mind, absolutely reliable data can be had only by killing the system. To analyze one killed system and compare the data with that of an apparently identical living system, killed after an experimental period, leaves the data open to criticism, justified or not.
Secondly, living systems are open systems, and it is extremely complicated, if not impossible, to totally isolate them under the laboratory conditions required for accurate monitoring. Further, all methods of isolation create an unnatural environment for living systems. For example, in laboratory experiments with oats, the culture water must be free of all chemical elements, absolutely pure. This “laboratory water” is dead water, not the same as the living water found in nature, a problem with which Professor Kervran was much concerned. In addition, in nature, plants are symbiotically dependent on bacteria. It is apparent that in all the extensive experiments with oats the culture water was “contaminated” with bacteria. Thus, these were not pure plant experiments, but experiments with plants and bacteria. No doubt, the kinds and quantities of bacteria present in the culture is a significant if not crucial factor.
Thirdly, biological processes are at best periodic, and at worst fluctuating. This requires an experimental protocol which allows for cosmological influences. Even if the scientific community was tolerant of such parameters, which allude to astrology, they make the uniform replication of experiments ever so much more difficult. Living matter exhibits a number of self-evident properties, such as evolution, symbiosis, and bacterial pleomorphism, phenomena which remain beyond science, facts without theory. We now have an enormous collection of facts about evolution, but the phenomenon resists scientific explanation. We do not have an acceptable theory of evolution. Unbelievably complex symbiotic relations between different kinds of living systems are recognized and cataloged, but a theory of symbiosis is so exlusive some biologists now question if there is really a difference between symbiosis and parasitism. Bacterial pleomorphism has been recognized by a few biologists for over one hundred years. Extensive hard evidence for this phenomenon has been accumulating since 1960, but the facts are only self-evident, without theory not scientifically acceptable! It is obvious to my mind that biological transmutations must be included in the list of “self-evident-facts-without-theory” properties of living matter. My friend, Dr. Whittaker, was prophetic when he said, “… biological transmutation just is.” The phenomenon cannot be explained by normal physics or chemistry. This is not to say the structure of science cannot be evolved to a point where such properties of living systems can be utilizedin practical applications rather than excluded with prejudice.
Though much has been learned during the fifteen years sincethis translation of Professor Kervran’s work was first published, it remains an excellent introduction into the complexities of a fascinating and elusive natural phenomenon.
Jacques de Langre is to be complimented for his initiative in having this important book republished.
John W. Mattingly
Affiliate Staff Member, Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
February 18, 1987 ” (2)
“Prof. Louis Kervran (Univ. of Paris), was the most ardent researcher of biological transmutation, and his work in the field earned him a nomination for the Nobel Prize. Kervran elucidated several of these nuclear reactions and verified them:
The vital phenomenon is not of a chemical order… The nucleus of the atom in light elements is quite different from what nuclear physics regards as the average type, the latter having value only for the heavy elements… Nature moves particles from one nucleus to another ¾ particles such as hydrogen and oxygen nuclei and, in some cases, the nuclei of carbon and lithium. There is thus a transmutation… Biological transmutation is a phenomenon completely different from the atomic fissions or fusions of physics… it reveals a property of matter not seen prior to this work. (4, 7-13)“
For instance: “Prof. Kervran found that in nuclido-biological reactions, oxygen is always in the form of O, never O2; reactions with nitrogen occur only with N2, insofar as is known. The following reactions (shown in simplistic form) have been observed:
Please, note: In reactions below ® means →
Na23 + H1 ® Mg24 Na23 + O16 ® K39 Na23 – O16 ® Li7
Na23 ® Li7 + O16 K39 + H1 ® Ca40 Mg24 + Li7 ® P31
Mg24 + O16 ® Ca40 F19 + O16 ® Cl35 C12 + Li7 ® F19
Cl35 ® C12 + Na23 Fe56 – H1 ® Mn55 2 O16 – H1 ® P31
O16 + O16 ® S32 2 N14 ® C12 + O16 N14 + Mg12 ® K19
Si28 + C12 ® Ca40 Si28 + C12 ® Ca40 P31 + H1 « S32 “
We can summarize that this field (on Biological transmutation), has been studied by various scientists for at least two centuries. But if we look at what is taught in schools these days and what is advised to farmers these days, we find that this topic is “Thema incognita”. So, kudos to the scientists who dared to look this natural truth and published their scientific findings. The fact that this is a topic that many still today condemn as “charlatancy” does not change the facts in the Natural Order. Nature does not care about the mental concepts that the human mind constructs with such and different motives. All I can add to this is a deep respect for the glorious perfection of Nature working in its own, Natural Order. When a one confuses him so much with his ideas and unilateral measures that he hurts or destroys the Natural order`s balance, then serious consequences befall him.
(1) Simphony of balance, Majda Ortan, ing. Published in 2015, sef-publishing
(2) Biological Transmutation, K. Luis Kervran
Biological transmutations
Jean-Paul Siberian*
Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, 163 Avenue de Luminy, 13288, France
(4) The historical overview of topic Biological transmutations is well explains in Article Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective, written by author Jean-Paul Biberian, Aix-Marseille University, 13288 Marseille, France (4).
(5) HUMAN HEALTH IS AT HOME IN SOIL, Author: ing. Majda Ortan, s.p ,
HORTICULTURE – The possibilities, opportunities, transfer of good practices, Conference Proceedings of 7.
scientific conference with the theme SOIL, Higher School Horticulture and the visual arts, Celje, 11th of November 2015
• Fertilizing or Naturally Nurturing – This should no longer be a question neither an issue for Restoring and Strengthening the Soil’s Natural Fertility:
•Energy development from elementary transmutations in biological systems: chrome-extension: //efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
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