Already in ancient times, people recreated pieces of Nature with gardens next to their residences, realizing that the garden is an important part of their house. That part that connects people with the source of Life and with the way of creation that was given to us by the Creator.
Gardens and parks. They reveal the many faces of Nature. Wrapped in greenery of many shades, decorated with carpets of vivid colors. They give gifts of flowers, fruits and vegetables. They breathe peace and host butterflies. They inspire, enlighten, soothe, heal, delight, nourish, love. They smell. They live.
They are much more than beds, they are much more than crops. They are creations, re-creations. Recreating something bigger, natural, heavenly. They are sources of Power, synergies of trinity: images – faces of Nature, attunement to wholeness – balance, and healthy food that nourishes people, not just satiates them – to regenerate, heal, to be able to realize with such energy of Life what they want to become .
Through the periods of history, people have demonstrated their relationship to Nature and to themselves by designing and tending gardens and by farming. This is also the case in today’s modern times. Gardens are again gaining in popularity and importance among people, and in agriculture, natural, locally grown food is gaining in importance. Many times due to self-sufficiency in food crops. The sustainable method of food production is gaining ground – both in nursery and in agriculture. In a sustainable, co-natural farming method, the emphasis is on balance. When we establish balance in the gardens, in the fields, in the orchards, it is appropriate to include ourselves. Gardens and fields also reflect us, the people we create, nurture, and cultivate. Observing nature and transferring natural ways to gardening and agriculture is a path of sustainability that is of great importance to people. When we delve into it, we realize that what the garden gives us is priceless, necessary and important.
Biblical stories about Paradise reveal that the garden is man’s helper and a tool for creation, the creation of man’s actual reality. So – infinitely more than a “space where vegetables grow”… or just another additional job that people do “mechanically” just for the sheer benefit of saving money in the family budget.
In man’s nature is his creative Power, whether he is aware of it or not. We create people with subtext, with thoughts and with emotions. Nature reveals to us many images, an infinite multitude of its faces, shapes, colors, smells, tastes. Nature also evokes all this in us – feelings, perceptions, inspirations and the creative force that recreates images. Through it and with it, the Creator creates and recreates in us – our own creative Power.
Nature is a harmoniously connected home of living images, different shapes, colors, smells, changing Life.
We can perceive nature with our senses, we can observe it, we can feel it. The human ability to remember, this perception, the combination of images and emotions is archived and – based on them, a person recreates his life – whether he is aware of it or not. Technocracy, with its systems, inserts images of its own accord into people’s memory images and thus generates its own existence. For this, it uses various systems, including many advertising messages, which program people’s habits and decisions. Remember how commercials show us the family ideal: the family gathered at the table, and lunch is on it – instant soup from a bag – tastes of artificial aromas, synthetic food, which is served on the plates by the mother and the wife, who can only offer the family what can be found ready-made on the shelves of supermarkets. How does this kind of family life go past happiness, past love, past real life… and where does it lead?!
But subconsciousness works – people’s programs work on the principle of default images, whether they are default subconsciously or consciously. The described example is just an example of today’s robotization of people with the goal of serving the interests of capital, not their actual visions, not themselves, not their consciously chosen self-realization. Such a way is possible if people are alienated from nature, if they do not understand the importance of nature for people and if they do not consciously choose the right way of life, connected to nature, and conscious responsibility for their own self-realization and the correct use of their strengths and natural gifts to achieve it. What a valuable, irreplaceable helper there is – the garden! Priceless and irreplaceable!
Form is a means of conveying information.
Information is conveyed with shapes! Forms are collectors and mediators of energies. They determine the quality, quality, characteristic of energies. Plants tell us about their typical, individual information, about their talents, through their shapes, colors, smells, through their relationships with their “neighbors”. This is even more important, especially when it comes to medicinal plants. Plants are individual beings, with extraordinary but individual talents, their description, which is merely a classification in systematics, reflects our attitude towards them, our ability to perceive them, but not themselves. A special chapter in my book Simphony of balance is also dedicated to this interesting topic.
Many people have personal experiences with places in nature that had a special energetic impact on them, with places that emit healing, beneficial energy, and vice versa – with places that take it, draw it. It is not only the points on the earth that emit “healing energies” themselves. But it is true that the earth has its own natural features.
Plants in gardens are cultivated plants.
Throughout their lives, humans took care of them. Plants in gardens have dormant powers of self-care, survival in authentic natural ecosystems. They need care, cooperation with a person. When working with plants in the garden, we can listen to nature, observe it, experience it. When working, a person gets closer to plants and the earth, makes friends, establishes a relationship and communicates on an energetic level. By working in the garden, a person connects with the origin, establishes contact with the earth, with plants, with natural rhythms and with sunlight, which is increasingly lacking in the life of modern man. Movement in the natural environment, attuning to the energies of nature brings peace, experiences of calmness, energetic revitalization, which is human healing on all levels. There is also a purely “mental, analytical” explanation for all of this. Sunlight, by its action on plants, causes the electric charge of electrons to move in plants, which causes the creation of an electromagnetic field in their surroundings. When we move through green oases, we are therefore subject to electromagnetic induction, we are truly filled with energy, the energy of sunlight stored and emitted by plants.
The differences between parks and gardens
Gardens are usually private property in nature. Most gardens are built within the home owner’s back or front yards. Some opt to create small gardens in their balconies or kitchen windows.
Parks are public in nature and are meant to be used by the general population. The parks also have large grassy areas and often a sports playground. Historical parks and gardens are mostly natural, cultural and social heritage.
Landscape heritage – Union between Culture and Nature
A historical park or garden is an architectural composition and plant arrangement which is of public interest from a historical or artistic point of view. As their architecture is mainly plant-based, these are living areas and the way they look is derived from a constant balance between seasons, nature’s development or artistic will.
Therefore, visiting parks and gardens is just like visiting a monument or museum. They also represent a resource to regenerate the planet in the face of the climate emergency.
We are convinced that parks and gardens play an essential role in individual and collective well-being, just visit them and pay attention to your feelings there! You there probably feel better as in the city centers and can be inspired by the beauty created by human hands with plants.
But for me, the feeling in natural forests is incomparable, irreplaceable, unique, priceless. Fresh feeling at home .
Gardens and parks are alive living heritage. Therefore they are often also protected (monument protection). Natural parks – are also protected as alive living heritage.
INTERESTING INFORMATION: Natural Parks of Slovenia, Slovenian Parks, Arboretums and Gardens
Sources Of Article:
-Simphony of balance, Majda Ortan, ing. Published in 2015, sef-publishing
• Fertilizing or Naturally Nurturing – This should no longer be a question neither an issue for Restoring and Strengthening the Soil’s Natural Fertility:
•Energy development from elementary transmutations in biological systems: chrome-extension: //efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
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