Event from July/16/2024:
With two x-flares in a few days and the Earth-facing Sun PACKED with sunspots, a colossal wave of solar energy is headed our way FAST!
More strong flares are expected soon in coming days and even over many weeks. More sunspots have been seen on our Sun since the beginning of “Solar Cycle 25”.
These sunspots are expected to unleash powerful proton radiation. It will also arrive from outside of our solar system as it has been doing for a long while.
However, the flare did cause shortwave radio blackouts across Australia, Southeast Asia, and Japan shortly after the eruption. These blackouts are common following powerful solar flares due to the intense bursts of X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation emitted during these events.

Above: Shortwave radio blackouts across Southeast Asia, Australia and Japan. (Image credit: NOAA/SWPC)
Above: Video LINK

An X-class solar flare erupted from the sun on July 13, 2024. (Image credit: NASA / SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams, helioviewer.org)
Solar flares are eruptions from the sun’s surface that release powerful bursts of electromagnetic radiation. These flares occur when the magnetic energy built up in the solar atmosphere is released. They are categorized by size into different classes with X-class flares being the strongest. M-class flares are 10 times less powerful than X-class flares, followed by C-class flares which are 10 times weaker than M-class flares, B-class are 10 times weaker than C-class flares and finally, A-class flares which are 10 times weaker than B-class flares and have no noticeable consequences on Earth. Within each class, numbers from 1-10 (and beyond for X-class flares) describe a flare’s relative strength.
Solar flames bring many risks.
Good Assessment of risks of Solar Storms: The risks of Solar storms: (Source: The risks of Solare Storms by Zhanar Tukeyeva )
Briefly summary:
The radiation from solar flares travels to Earth at the speed of light and ionizes (electrically charges) the upper atmosphere upon arrival. This ionization creates a denser environment for high-frequency shortwave radio signals to pass through, to facilitate communication over long distances. As radio waves interact with electrons in the ionized layers, they lose energy due to increased collisions, which can degrade or completely absorb the radio signals.
Plasma particle clouds and radiation can damage vital components of satellites and other spacecraft. This will have knock-on effects on communication and transportation infrastructure.
Below are stated the risks that could be accumulated for a review of their scenario analysis, and this could particularly take place if insurance companies are exposed to numerous insurance/reinsurance accounts in the same industry, cross line aggregation for a single insured, aggregation of accounts in a supply chain or/and in one region with a high level of the surface electromagnetic field:
1) Physical damage: satellites (e.g. risk of on-orbit collisions), high voltage power grids, transformers. Due to lost navigation, internet connectivity, and communication, safety is compromised for airspace, maritime, railway infrastructure, and electric vehicles.
2) Business interruption/contingent business interruption, particularly if backup supplies are likely to last for a limited period.
3) Major disruption to the power network is likely to lead to the cancellation of events (e.g. cultural, sporting, flights), and this could affect insurers offering this type of insurance coverage.
4) Supply chain impact: Major disruption to transport, food and water supplies, emergency, and hospital services amongst other services in case of extreme assumptions (e.g. power loss for weeks or more).
5) Liability risk exposure: In case organizations impacted by a solar storm event are not taking appropriate preventative action, they could be susceptible to directors’ and officers’ claims.
6) Disruptions of financial/stock markets, impact on investment portfolios, and financial positions of organizations. On a global scale, this type of extreme solar storm event could significantly impact the global economy and shift the geopolitical atmosphere.
7) Social unrest and riots: in case pumping operations needed to be suspended that would quickly affect water and fuel supplies, sewage systems, and flood defenses. This can be also exacerbated by disruptions in national security and military strategic communications.
8) Human health: despite the risk of increased radiation level, based on recent studies, it was shown that disturbed geomagnetic activity could exacerbate existing diseases and is correlated with significant increases in cardiac arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, the incidence of myocardial infarction-related death, alterations in blood flow, increased blood pressure, and epileptic seizures, and impact neurological system. In addition, medical devices and medicines could be also at risk, due to storage failure and power plant breakdowns.
Even agriculture around the world is increasingly dependent on satellite connections. What can happen if they are affected by solar flames? How outages in GPS Satelite Connections / Satellite Systems can harmful affect Farmers and Agriculture: Kindly, read here.
For those who are truly interested in the subject of Astro-Physics and want more detail than can be given in these articles, I encourage you to explore the videos of Stefan Burns who is excellent in his field of Physics. More: https://youtu.be/9V4gRazqwNE

Plants and soil react under stress in conditions when a sun flare produces a coronal mass ejection (CME) — a large expulsion of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun and it penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere. ABOUT OUR SUSTAINABLE NATURAL SOLUTION IT IS REALLY USEFUL TO READ THE CONTENTS UNDER THE LINKS BELOW.

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Sources and References:
-The risks of Solar storms: The risks of Solare Storms by Zhanar Tukeyeva I Post, published on LinkedIn
-Intense Higher Flares – CFN 16 July 2024 I by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, Disclosure News | 16 July, 2024
-How weather in outer space could cost Midwestern farmers $1 billion I By David Condos / High Plains Public Radio | Published September 1, 2022 at 9:54 AM CDT
-Sun unleashes powerful X-class solar flare triggering radio blackouts over Australia, Southeast Asia and Japan (video) I By Daisy Dobrijevic I Space.com
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