Naturam Sequamur! Follow to the Nature!

By | 15 August 2024

“He who has a mystical experience possesses a great treasure which has become his source of life, meaning and beauty and which has given the world and humanity a new radiance.” Carl Jung

When the software is damaged or out of date, IT professionals install a new, appropriate one. But what happens when a person, several people, a community, humanity is demaged?

No exaggeration, just a bit of reflection in the text below.

Quo vadis Homo?

“When people become collectively aware of their power, history will move from the mortuary to an evolutionary leap, to the transpersonal mystical consciousness that the Benedictine Willilis Jager (born 1925) writes about. Philosopher Jean Gebser (1905-1973) lists the stages of evolution of human consciousness from archaic, magical, mythical, mental to mystical (transpersonal according to Jager). Whoever wants to be human must repeat the past of humanity. Otherwise, it becomes a marionette without origins and roots. In Ecclesiastes (1.9.) we read: “What has been will be again, what has happened will happen again, there is nothing new under the sun.” Archaic, magical and mythical forces are returning, entering the cracks of the ruins of the present world in disguise. . At every turn, we sense something knocking from the depths. This time the knocking is loud and coming from Earth. Earth’s true partner is spirit, not reason. Earth’s true partner is not reason with its titanic plans, but spirit as cosmic power. The questioning of the Earth must be spiritualized, the unbearably mechanized models of plant, animal and human life must be breathed. The goal is the spiritualization of the Earth, therefore the first principle of the natural ethics of man speaks of the sanctity of the world. Whatever a person does, Gaja always responds. She is always ready for anything. Now Gaja is not satisfied with just answers, she has started to act, move, change, which often becomes scary for a person.

Refusal to consider the goals of human civilization leads us straight to the tragedy of Captain Ahab, whose means were rational throughout but his purpose insane. The purpose of the economy of unlimited growth is insane in that it tries to satisfy infinite needs with the help of a limited amount of natural resources. The absurdity of growth economics is equal to the absurdity of Ahab’s obsession in pursuing Moby Dick, the white whale, with the sole aim of killing him. And even all the rational means used in this crazy game do not justify the insanity of the goal of this risky game. The giant white whale, Moby Dick, is one of the most vivid literary depictions of the forces of nature ever written by man. The end of the story brings a clear message, Moby Dick kills the crazy Captain Ahab, nature is always stronger than man. If we go along with Ahab’s crazy idea, the fate of Captain Ahab can befall us all.

If we want to survive, we have to change. This is the only way we will achieve the Vita contemplativa (Contemplative life), the 21st century will be spiritual or it will not be!

Oswald Spengler writes in the book The Sunset of the West: “Nature is stronger and man remains dependent on her, because he is her creation. This little creator has become a slave to his own creations. The master of the world becomes a slave to machines and devices. The beast that turns other animals into domestic animals has trapped itself. If man does not understand this, he will fight a hopeless battle against nature until his bitter end.” His words strike like a hammer. Tagore offers us a solution: “Again, I pray that we, the dreamers of East and West, keep firm faith in Life that creates, and not in the Machine that constructs—in power that hides its force and blooms in beauty, and not into a power that bares its weapons and flaunts its ability to arouse disgust and hatred. We know that the Machine is good when it helps, but not when it exploits Lives; that Science is great when it destroys evil, but not when it makes an unholy alliance with it.” This is a call to responsibility for a human-worthy existence, for the protection of life and nature, and at the same time a self-evident accompanying phenomenon of the spiritual path. The connection with nature has metaphysical dimensions. Mysticism and connection with nature are two sides of the same coin. Carl G. Jung confirms this with the words: “He who has a mystical experience possesses a great treasure which has become his source of life, meaning and beauty and which has given the world and humanity a new radiance.” Followed by Albert Einstein: “The most beautiful and the deepest emotion we can experience is a sense of the mystical. This is the power of every true science.” The sages teach us that only the death of the Ego opens the transition to a new form of being. Otherwise, we are destined for uncertainty, anxiety, fear and disaster.” (1)

When I hear the cries of “Save the planet!”, I only strengthen my belief that nature will survive, that evolution will continue, the only question is, will man survive? The existence of the human species depends on the fundamental attitude of man towards life. Ideas about nature actually show us our attitude towards ourselves. Quo vadis Homo?

Modern physics is a science that asks the most fundamental questions. It is surprising that many physicists use the language of theology to present their ideas to the public. Some write that the fundamental laws of physics prove that divine reason is at work. This naturally causes volleys of outrage among orthodox scientists. Questions such as: What is the world made of and how does it work are increasingly being asked alongside the question: Why does the world exist at all? Do physicists, like mystics, deal more and more with a view dominated by admiration for the natural order of things?!

Today, science is often confined to laboratories, study rooms, libraries, and computers spend a lot of time hanging out. Many researchers, for whom this work is a job, perceive it that way. Many of them do not work out of deep interest or passion, they work because their job is to fulfill orders. Those researchers who conduct research with the goal of developing useful solutions to solve real-world problems fall into the category of “Applicative Developers” and their work falls within the framework of application development. Applicative development can often include those researchers who observe the natural order and, based on these principles, establish and implement development solutions for existing problems. They can also recognize the answers to initially “simple” questions in a natural order, e.g.:

Why do trees grow upright? Why do houses and skyscrapers need pumps to get water to the highest floors, but trees, which also reach enviable heights, can do without pumps and without prior training? How does an apple get on a tree? And so on….

Well, these are questions that would probably make even Archimedes and Newton, and anyone else from the list of the most famous scientists, blush.

Technological applications of scientific findings prove that nothing is sacred to science. The old saying, “Only fools rush where angels dare not tread,” certainly applies to science.

“Today, the biggest stumbling block is technological manipulation of what is most personal – the human body itself, as living human organs and embryos circulate as capital in the markets. Likewise, the miracle of life is degraded to the technological manipulation of genetic engineering. Living creatures degraded into monsters and abominations have even become the subject of patent law and marketing. Let’s not forget the global “Corona pandemic”.

Due to various pressures at the global level, small farms, even subsistence communities, are collapsing. Those answers that it’s “not worth it” and the fact that many young people don’t know anything about cultivating their own garden are usually reinforced by the availability of a megalomaniacal number of shopping centers. Furthermore, “smart cities”, “five-minute cities”, which are supposedly inspired by Chinese models, are getting the green light for their creation, apparently everywhere in the industrialized world. In those that are promised here, there will not even be kitchens, but they will have heating rooms so that people can heat pre-prepared, processed food. Probably also printed meat. Attitude towards fellow human beings, attitude towards ourselves? Quo vadis Homo?

Technological manipulations of life are not worthy of the human spirit, and their application tells us a lot about the human. depraved culture. The life-manipulating criminal technocracy arrogantly treats all dissenters as “emotional paranoiacs” who poke their noses in among the initiates without authorization. These reactions are a reflection of the unworthy, undignified “ethics” according to which living beings are only “machines” for ” production” of meat, milk, eggs and flour. Let’s just imagine how differently a painter or a genetic engineer views a horse: a man-artist and a man-technologist!

Self-sufficient communities and small farms have been under various heavy pressures for many years, and they often fall to their knees, like someone who is tirelessly narrowed by outsiders to the limits of what is acceptable. According to the valid powers, according to the amended, valid legislation. With their disappearance, self-nutrition possibilities decrease.

At the same time, international projects for the development of the urban countryside are increasingly welcome in countries that have been exhausted by colonialism for a long time.

When I listen to the pamphlet “Let’s save the planet!”, I only strengthen my belief that nature will survive, that it will certainly live on, the only question is, will man survive? The existence of the human species depends on the fundamental attitude of man towards life. Ideas about nature actually show us our attitude towards ourselves. Quo vadis Homo?

Our past, seasoned with historical anthropocentric Christianity (which renounces this world) it helped that today the answers to the previously posed question appear as a conflict between nature and man.

We must be aware that the “environment” is only a human idea, a construct of a human enclave in nature. The boundaries of this enclave were set by man himself and he called it “the environment”. The theses of sustainable development are curative measures that have been in force since the awareness of the fact that humanity on Earth is approaching the edge. It is still a long time to drive past all the red lights. Sometimes so that “there is no offense”, they change the light bulbs on the traffic lights, for example, so that all the lights are green will also remain (with or without man) in dynamic equilibrium.Life is most innovative at the fractal edge.

Nature is not just a collection of dead things. Things are not just objects and materials with which people do whatever they want, but they are entities. We know that the empirical method of positivism presupposes objectification, and we have realized that the objectivity of science is over! So can we recognize nature other than through an empirical path, i.e. as a subject? The alternative to empiricism leads to hermeneutics! Let’s see, then, what is the hermeneutic of nature?

In the original meaning of the word, the concept of hermeneutics includes methods of interpreting texts. Nature can be seen as a text in which the readers change; they read the text again and again, so everything depends on the interpretation of the text by each individual. Hermeneutics of nature is the human experience of nature, which is the subject of observation! Not an object, but a subject!

Positivism with the empirical method wrote the book of nature, the man of the new age must read it! Hermeneutics of nature means the way to understanding nature, which is not only a fruit of reason, but also a vision of our perceptions and sensibility. Cartesian dualism is here replaced by pantheism through meditative practice. Sensory perception of the world thus acquires central importance! But sensory perception of the world is only possible for a person with activated, healthy perception, feeling one’s own feelings, acknowledging them and using them. So, we are convinced of this in the 21st century, and this is the essence of the solution of the unwritten (people).

Let’s imagine that an artist and a technologist are observing the beautiful landscape below, e.g. poet and agronomist! The poet will sing elegies to the white waters of the emerald river, the serene majesty of the forest and the beautiful singing of birds among the lush treetops. He will sing to the breeze caressing his overheated forehead, and in the ecstasy of love he will ask the cloud to convey a message to his beloved. He will stroke the rose bush along his path, greet the beautiful butterfly and thank the river for a sip of refreshing water.

How will probbably an agronomist think about the landscape? In his intellectual perception of nature, he will imagine a solid dam with which he will tame a living river into a dead reservoir lake, from which he will irrigate his monoculture fields. Even earlier, with the logic of a bulldozer, he will plan to cut down all the trees and destroy the annoying bushes. When he has exterminated all the natural “competitors” of his ideas, he will sprinkle the resulting cultural steppe abundantly with chemical fertilizers and spray with deadly pesticides, which will kill the remaining pulse of life. And on the seventh day of the creation of its sterile world, the “crown of creation” will rest happily… In this case, I presented to you in a simplified manner the difference between man’s sensory perception of nature and his rational abuse of nature.

In this difference is concentrated the core of global human problems. It cannot be changed, it cannot be changed in any way from the outside. This is where people differ from one another – those who perceive this truth and change, become whole, with their own feelings. And to those who covertly or openly suit a mechanical, callous and unfeeling life and do not even want to hear anything about coming alive, unfreezing in the part of feeling and washing their own feelings as their own navigation for their thoughts, words, actions.

Whenever science tries to intervene “from outside”, from man’s enclave of “the environment”, fatal consequences for man arise. We have to accept that we are not capable of regulating anything, not even ourselves! What a humiliation for the crown of creation, which must look into the mirror of nature and wake up “from the dream of reason”, as Karl G. Jung wrote.

Scientific work is autopoiesis, such as writing poems, composing music, or painting pictures. When scientists do research, they are not standing on solid ground. They always start with their own ideas, their own metaphors, they themselves choose the standards that will confirm their hypotheses and they themselves choose what is appropriate. It is incredible how many centuries the shaky construction of positivism with the inductive method has survived and what a fatal self-deception it has led humanity into! Positivist science is historically dead, and with it the sensory perception of the world, our perception and experience of creation, is increasingly gaining they are central to the human conception of the world!

“I am here to wonder!”, wrote the poet Goethe. It’s time to wake up from the dream of reason, according to Jung’s advice! (2)

“The most beautiful and deepest emotion we can experience is a sense of the mystical. This is the strength of every true science.” Albert Einstein


Who painted after the humans souls? Who abused them as a breeding ground for their dirty memories, their helplessness, fears, injustices. Who imprinted their burdens on them, who made them a dumping ground for their garbage?

I’m not telling you that all the ugliness and error, delusions, in the this nowadays world is your idea, but that it is also your creation. Consciously or unconsciously, this method does not affect the ugliness of a large number of images in today’s world. Namely, every person is a Creator. If you now complain about those who did these atrocities, it helps the repressed to come out. Be kind to yourself and take comfort and encouragement.

You, me and every human being has creative powers. They work even when you use them unconsciously. But, they also work when you use them consciously. See, this is great news about your (maybe till now secret) powers. The power to redeem our planet’s increasingly dire state. This is a way to project beauty, goodness, joy, justice, well-being for all, compassion, heart into the world…

Consciously draw such pictures in your soul and avoid all indecencies, injustices, judgments, ugliness, hogwash,…, paint this picture with happy colors. This is now a very important work of man, people, humanity…

Nature helps, I know very well how. If you take my words for true and take her help from her and use it, maybe you won’t need to look for her when you’ll be broken and in pain and probably hopeless. This is not necessary. Believe that Nature helps to Life, including yours, just let it and trust. Don’t try to understand, but it’s good to feel her help and blessings.

If you don’t remember good memories, beautiful, rich scenes, you can find a lot of them in Nature. If you don’t remember good memories, beautiful, rich scenes, you can find a lot of them in Nature. In pristine nature, in forests, on beaches, in mountains and of course also in parks and gardens.If you don’t remember good memories, beautiful, rich scenes, you can find a lot of them in Nature. In pristine Nature, in forests, on beaches, in mountains and of course also in parks and gardens

Re-create them in your mind and enjoy them, you can actually draw them, paint, write, create music based on their notes. You can also garden, but with pleasure, with a lot of observation. And so on…

And so it is! AMEN.

Source and reference:

(1) If we want to live, we have to change, Author: Anton Komat, published on Facebook

(2) Let us awake from the dream of reason, Author: Anton Komat, published on Facebook

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Please, NOTE:
In Majda Ortan’s texts, I only state my personal reflections and my personal views. Dear readers, please take this into account! Thank you!

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