By | 27 August 2024

Africa rejects financial slavery: (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:7234159750773444608/).
Nowadays, in the twenty-first century, this is heard more and more often.
But, financial slavery is quite widespread around the world these days.
The seeker of these truths must put on excellent glasses that see through the layers of illusion, must be prepared for whatever he may see. Then he has to delve into the swamps of ghosts, blind spots, strategies about the occupations of the structure of the human psyche, consciousness, self-esteem.
Let him learn the history of the roles of money, the history of the roles of the economy, the history of passively assuming slavish roles on this planet.
Because this is (was) in reality a global pandemic, which for all these long centuries, decades, years, months, days, systematically kills human nutrition with security, with satiety, with interpersonal contacts in a good social community.
In the present, they are overcome by individual and increasingly mass knowledge about snakes, which are trained to bite people, poison them, kill their own living I Am in them and thus lead them thirsty across the water.
Yes, seen with my eyes, these are the reasons why people for centuries, decades, years, months and days realize the needs of “saviors” – for foreign concepts, other persons, foreign institutions, foreign banks, poisonous corporations, for the Devil and people who it is called human greed.
What’s on the draft?
This time I think it’s SAFETY.
Because when all the safety nets that the Natural Order has woven into people and human relations, into human communities are torn, then this pale shadow of the people’s selves clings even more to wolves in sheep’s clothing, due to the need for security. And these greed-enslaved, blinded “saviors of the common people’s masses”, why do you think they persist in playing their increasingly ugly, disgusting roles? Because of the fear of losing the security that sustains them – the feeling of power, the feeling of importance, the feeling of their superiority, the feeling that they are on top of the world, that they are the most important…. This is their normal food – EXTERNAL VALIDATION, on which they are completely dependent, they are used to it, for this they fight so sickly and destructively.
If so, we can say that our global problems are, that we pay each others with coins that normally have two sides andthe crest of the absence of security is stamped on each side.
Except that the two described groups of people are trying to get (back) this missing security for themselves for different reasons. Or defend it if it SEEMS to be in danger, endangered.
And every day, from all sides, a wide variety of direct, indirect and also subtle messages lead us to feelings that awaken in people the fear that the security necessary for survival is in danger, endangered.


More and more farmers find themselves in such simmilar a situations, especially small farmers who should be proud pillars of food self-sufficiency – this certainly applies to most countries in the EU, including my home country (Slovenia, a small EU country). This year (2024), farmers all over Europe switched on their tractors, and massively protested: For sam daysthey closed roads, intersections, occupied the squares, a crowd of tractors also formed in front of the EU Parliament.

Namely, not everything that is painted green is green.
True, natural color is the only color with which “Green Brother” presents itself. That fake green color, however, is only on top of the layers of many other colors, so recognizing real greens only through human eyes has become quite unreliable, irrelevant. The little prince was really wise when he said: “He who wants to see must look with his heart”.


Insurance companies in all parts of the world may be flourishing in such uncertain times when everything is changing.
They offer a huge variety of insurance products.
Many of us have different experiences with this.

However, how should we secure the essence of national security with them?


Will the hail continue to pelt? Yes, it will! Will this summer be dry too? Most likely. Meteorologists say that the rhythm of precipitation will become increasingly erratic, meaning that nowadays as much rain often falls in a single day as was once distributed over several months. Will there be more pests? For sure.
The changed natural rhythm also breaks the rhythm of pest reproduction, which is why predators, which would otherwise limit pests on vegetables, sometimes arrive too early, sometimes too late, and we can only helplessly observe the uncontrolled reproduction of tiny pests in our gardens.

Will we still grow anything outdoors at all – or will we simply give in and tackle hydroponics, aeroponics and other techniques offered by the “green transition”? Naturally grown, earthy food is incomparable to the merely superficially similar, grown indoors. It is true, however, that the increasingly demanding environment also requires more gardening skills and some changes in strategy.

One of the most important is the awareness that we are not running a sprint, but a marathon. To put it in cycling terms, now gardening is more reminiscent of the Giro d’ Italia or the Tour de France. Lots of stages, each with lots of ups and downs, and perseverance wins.

Strategies to win
We persistently (all season) grow seedlings, with which we replace what is eaten by voles, lice, caterpillars, birds and Colorado beetles, as well as everything that collapses under the attack of some disease.
We are learning how to sow seeds correctly so that the next generations of our plants will be more and more resistant and accustomed to our conditions.
We use mechanical protection – mainly nets and tarpaulins, which we use to get rid of insects. In addition, with this plant we reduce heat stress caused by rapid changes in day and night temperatures.” (2)

And very important, nowadays very needed strategy:

Nowadays is mandatory take into account, gain needed knowlege, what happening with changes of Earth’s energy balance, of the relationship between incoming solar radiation, outgoing radiation of all types, and of global temperature change.

In the production of plant-based food, this means, among other things, plants without their own resistance or with very weakened own vitality and own resistance, soil without its own resistance, pests on the rise, diseases on the rise. Altered photosynthesis. A water cycle with many consequences of water scarcity. And so on.
All changes are the result of energetic influences, the effects of EM radiation of charged particles brought to Earth by the solar winds. So, as a result, the EM field of the Earth changes. The EM field of plants, the EM field of animals, the EM field of insects… Many solutions that in the near past worked in cases of problems with plant diseases and pests no longer give adequate results in recent years. Believe me, in the growing influence of these changes, there will be more and more such cases.

image 4 1024x576 1 - WHO ALL NEEDS INSURANCE

Plants and soil need PROPER NATURAL – energetic, natural-frequency strengthening of their own vitality, their own resistance to pests and diseases. Below this link aresome such solutions developed in my company, I am personally their developer. Products have been on themarket since 2012, we are constantly adding new ones, adapting to current conditions. They are suitable for farmers, gardeners, home gardeners, gardeners, for plants based food growing and also in horticulture. You are welcome to buy and to use our natural energized homeodynamic solutions for the necessary natural energetic adaptation, stregthening of natural own vitality and natural own resistance of plants and soil.


Sometimes it is necessary to remember that the most valuable asset is what drives our life, what makes us alive. Life Force. Nowadays, we must be responsible and careful stewards of our own life force.

Remember that your true security is your life force and your best tool is your breathing. The rest are apparitions, illusions, mental productions, material for the movie you are watching. Change the program for a better movie, or even better: Create your own movie!

“Do not waste your energy being angry at the rich and powerful. As the Bolsheviks unwittingly demonstrated, nothing much changes even if the rich and powerful are overthrown. Moreover, that anger is in fact counterproductive. Often, the hidden message of activist rhetoric is, “Do not be too good to yourself,” or “You are bad for being good to yourself.” No wonder so many people are turned off. Those who rely on guilt or shame to persuade us to limit our participation in the destruction of the planet and its people are, in a very subtle way, perpetuating some of the deep axioms that drive the destruction in the first place. They are resorting to a form of control, control over an iniquitous human nature. In a subtle way, they reenact and reinforce the same war of conquest that has left the planet in tatters.

Propose for another way: A shift of consciousness that will expand our sense of self and thereby change our selfishness into a force for healing. The problem is not selfishness, it is that we misconceive the self. We need not expend superhuman efforts to build a tower to the sky. The sky is all around us already.”(3)

“No one took off a whole skin, not the losers who saw their world destroyed, not the victors who never fully realized their aspirations. They both had to build a new world on the common ruins.

Carlos Fuentes

Source and Reference:

1. Alenka Rebula and Josopa Prebeg, E-News, Dežela Vere Vase ( The Land of Self-Belief)

2. Varnost naprodaj (Security for sale), Post by Author Sanja Lončar, published: zazdravje.net

3. The Ascend of Humanity. By Author: Charles Esenstein, E-book

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