Part and whole

By | 7 September 2024

What we are able to achieve on Earth will thus bring about Karmic compensation in quite another way than heretofore.

We human beings shall be able even to exchange our physical bodies.

Indeed, the Earth could never reach her goal if this did not take place; mankind would never grow into a single whole.

In preparation for future planetary embodiments of the Earth, a time must come in earthly evolution when it will be impossible for one individual to enjoy things on the Earth at the expense of another.

As in a plant the single leaf or petal feels itself a member of the whole and shares — pictorially speaking — in the weal and woe of the whole plant, so must a future come for the planet Earth when one human being will not want to enjoy happiness at the expense of the whole, but man will feel a member of mankind.

And it will be the true spiritual counterpart of this when we shall learn to prepare the physical body even for one another.

We are in fact emerging from the epoch when each of us had so to speak, his own continuation to himself as to the physical body.

In the new epoch that is now beginning — brought on by the present leadership of Michael — we shall work at the spirit-seeds of the physical bodies of men in such a way that one works for another.

Moreover, as our incarnations of the Earth go on, this will lead even further. For in thus working for one another in the spirit, we shall prepare for a yet later time, to tell the character of which will sound completely strange and paradoxical, yet it is true.

For in that more distant future, human souls even while on Earth will be able to go across into the bodies of those to whom they have done some special hurt and to receive the other soul into their own body.

That will be when the Earth herself will have passed into quite new conditions.

Yet it is also being prepared for by the actual and impending change of which I have been telling, and which is coming about in the spiritual world through the leadership of Michael.

From this example you can see most vividly the essence of “ideal magic”.

If while on Earth you are receptive to the illumination that comes from Spiritual Science, then you are truly helping on the leadership of Michael.

Then you are helping on those spiritual forces which will enable men so to live for one another, that even in deciding upon the physical body they are to take, they will consider what is best for all mankind.

When we are choosing our physical body, this will determine our decision.

If you prepare for this event even now on Earth — prepare for it by the WISDOM -of-Man and by the LOVE -of-Man — what you are doing will have reality in the spiritual world.

And this is true “ideal magic”. It is the true “white magic” as it was called in olden times, and into it mankind is now about to enter.


19 November 1922, London Christ and the Metamorphoses of Karma

Artist Liane Collot d’Herbois

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