Category Archives: e-LIBRARY

When enough is in fact enough

The saying means you’ve been tolerating something but are unwilling to continue doing so and you’re ready to make a change. What I am writing applies to my home country, Slovenia.The weather was cold and rainy for most of May.Until today, June 10, 2024, it rains practically every day.In smaller nurseries and greenhouses and smaller nurseries, people… Read More »

What was seemingly dead has come to life and lives well!

Gardens, have always been extensions of houses, they belong to houses. Over time, gardens have been designed in different styles. Thus, certain types of plants became characteristic of them.A good example of such a plant is European box or boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is a slow-growing, evergreen tree.Even in Slovenia, we couldn’t imagine a farm garden… Read More »

Living heritage of parks and gardens

Already in ancient times, people recreated pieces of Nature with gardens next to their residences, realizing that the garden is an important part of their house. That part that connects people with the source of Life and with the way of creation that was given to us by the Creator. Gardens and parks. They reveal… Read More »

At Gaja’s breast – the fertility of the soil, the Energies of Life and the growth of plants

The holistic health of people is inextricably linked to the health of the Earth. Soils play a very special role in this – they are conductors of life energies, part of the Earth’s thermoregulatory system, home to microflora, nutrients for plants, home to their physical connection with the Earth, they are an organ of Earth’s… Read More »

Gaia’s heart rate rose to 66 today. That was the value of today’s measured the highest peak of Power of Schumann Resonance

“Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson (Source:… Read More »

EXCELLENT NATURAL&SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION to prevent problems with Drosophila suzukii

ATTENTION: Drosophila Suzukii (spotted wing drosophila or SWD), is an invasive pest that in global scale causes enormous economic damage to growers of fruits, berries, grapes, according to some information, it’s already destroying also tomatoes… Economic damage caused by this pest is significant: “On the basis of conservative assumptions, the economic impact on soft fruit production… Read More »