Contact and informations
Ph. Natural Agrohom.,
Ing. Majda Ortan, s.p.,
Šmiklavž 26, Šmiklavž,
2380 Slovenj Gradec, Slovenija
Mobil: +386 (0)70 820 279
Activities of company:
Development – R&D, production, marketing, sale, implementation of good pracitices, dissemination of our knowledge and experiances, educational speeches, seminars, artitles, books
Cora agrohomeopathie® products: breakthought, innovative, effective, natural, energized (Quantum) agrohomeo – dinamic products: for crops growing in agriculture, horticulture, gardenering and home gardening. Those products are without active substances, active are their energy vibrations (quantum fields) from appropriate complexis of appropriate minerals and plants, which after spaying enter into the biofields of the plants and ecosystems where these plants grow.
Products are used diluted with water, as spray.
They strengthen plants energy balance, their own vitality and indirectly also strengthen their own resistance to plant diseases, plant pests. Certain of these products strengthen plants to biotic and abiotic stress, to drought. They also enhance the adaptability of plants to weather extremes and to meteorological changes. Products have very good efficiency. On the Slovenian market are already 7 years and are in accordance with the law placed on Slovenian market as products for general use (in cathegory of plant’s strengthening products and 61 of them are confirmed for use in organic farming in Slovenia).Under my enterpreneur company I, Majda Ortan, ing., developed them and still develop, produce them and sale them by my own company. I also develop new products. All recipies and production technologiesare still remain as my strong business secret, known only to me.
Cora agrohomeopathie® products: development, production, consultancy, marketing and sales.
Growing of business, growing of breakthought, innovative, effective, natural,energized (quantum) agrohomeo – dinamic solutions for natural farming, natural gardening, natural home-gardening; spreading them to growers, support growers to adopt those solutions in usage by:
- Dissemination of knowledge with professional advice, with seminars and workshops, also with articles, books, TV and radio – awards, internet, etc.
- Dissemination of good practice, achiewed in proffesional growing of crops with usage of products Cora agrohomeopathie®.
- Growing of business: targeted professional training staff for advicing.
- Business cooperation with similar oriented groups, individuals, companies, institutions, Programs, etc.
At the International Scientific – Industrial- Technological INNASE Conference in Rome, we are planning to by me will be presented the good results of the preliminary tests of the effectiveness of the newly developed product Viva Vitalis TM From January 2024 are planed me to attend at more Globaly Scientific & Industrial – Technology Conferences, World-wide, to spread very good preliminary results of efficience of Natural sustainable, quantum homeo-bio-remediation of soil poluted with heavy metals. Those My Contributions at them won’t be public annouced in advance. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
We train and advise on the use of our Cora agrohomeopathie® products by telephone (advising for our custumers only)!.
By prior arrangement, in this context, we offer paid education – workshops and seminars for interested closed groups.
We also offer education in our
For the realization of group education for closed groups (required number of participants from a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 100), we agree on the terms of participation with the client upon request. For the realization of this Accademy Program for individual clients, it is considered that we are announcing the implementation terms or. implementation of training modules begins when a minimum of 50 participants are registered. About this and / or about starting dates we notice participants on request or. at ordering. Please note that the dates for the implementation of this our Academy Program and Modules on our web site are only renewed periodically, usually when new individual applications of participants are collected. We reserve the right to change the dates of the start of our Academy Program(s) and / or training modules; in such case, we inform the participants about it. If you have interest, send us demand on


WHERE TO READ MORE regarding topics under paragraphs I. and II.1:
on our EN web site, on our SI web SITE (there all key information are collected in the column on the right side. The left side is intended for a longer, less condensed content).
Favorite links:
–Current news and articles (text in Slovenian language)
–A guide to Cora’s green care (text in Slovenian language)
–List of products Cora agrohomeopathie® and products Specification data sheets – for products for export (text in English language)
–Comprehensive Cora agrohomeopathie® production programs (select and order what you need); suitable for farmers (horticulture, arable crops, fruit growing, viticulture, gardeners and gardeners) (text in Slovenian language)
-Some exposed users experiences / some exposed good practices with use of our : innovative, self developed, advance, natural, energized (quantum) homeodinamic products in:
–agriculture, (text in English language)
–horticulture (text in English language).
–Reference publication KGZS (Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia), in their online magazine Green Land
and some photo highlights (text in Slovenian language)
Business cooperations:
Welcome are importers/exporters, distributors companies, interested institutions and interested organizations!
If you are interested, contact me! You are welcome!
Majda Ortan, ing., Executive director, founder and owner of company
PH. Agrohom, Ing. Majda Ortan, s.p.
Ob Meži 30, 2391 Prevalje, Slovenia / EU
Tel: 00386 (0)70 820 279
E mail: