Category Archives: Neuvrščeni


In the background of NATURAL QUANTUM AGRICULTURE … By Majda Ortan | 10 July 2020 0 Comment WHEN THE PLANTS REMEMBER…, OR: WHAT, IF THE PLANTS HAVE ALREADY and ALWAYS REMEMBER … By: Ing. Majda Ortan, Ph. Agrohom., Ing. Majda Ortan sp., Ob Meži 30, 2391 Prevalje, Slovenia, EU / EN WEB SITE Here and there, what is hidden… Read More »

The Guerrilla home-gardening

GUERRILLA GARDENING – HERE and NOW: why, what, how,…By Majda Ortan | April 19, 20220 Commentslavic goddess vesna alfons mucha 040415 – GUERRILLA GARDENING – HERE and NOW: why, what, how, …Photo: Alfons MuchaThe Slavic goddess Vesna, who heralds spring, is associated with the vernal equinox (March 21), which is almost two months behind us… Read More »


The findings stated by its author Peter C. Whybrow, MD in his book “When more is not enough” can be mapped from the American example to virtually the entire “developed world” today.Therefore, this publication of mine, which content is searching connects the global problems of consumerism and human greed with simple natural solutions, is certainly… Read More »

Effect of Schumann frequency oscillation on plants he obtained result may indicate the universality of the effects of MFs with Schumann resonance frequencies for various biological taxa. The predominant sensitivity of signal-regulatory systems gives reason to assume the influence of MFs with Schumann resonance frequencies on the interaction of living organisms with environmental factors under conditions of a changed electromagnetic environment.… Read More »

Gaia’s heart rate rose to 66 today. That was the value of today’s measured the highest peak of Power of Schumann Resonance

“Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson (Source:… Read More »

EXCELLENT NATURAL&SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION to prevent problems with Drosophila suzukii

ATTENTION: Drosophila Suzukii (spotted wing drosophila or SWD), is an invasive pest that in global scale causes enormous economic damage to growers of fruits, berries, grapes, according to some information, it’s already destroying also tomatoes… Economic damage caused by this pest is significant: “On the basis of conservative assumptions, the economic impact on soft fruit production… Read More »

2Water Elixir of Life / Her Mayesty: Water, Part 2

Water Elixir of Life / Her Mayesty: Water, Part 2 By Majda Ortan | 3 May 2024 0 Comment RELATED POST: Her Mayesty: Water – Part 1 Water – whether as melt water, spring water or above-ground water sources, is of great importance for the production of crops for human food and animal feed. To understand it, it is… Read More »

Water Elixir of Life / Her Mayesty: Water, Part 2

RELATED POST: Her Mayesty: Water – Part 1 Water – whether as melt water, spring water or above-ground water sources, is of great importance for the production of crops for human food and animal feed. To understand it, it is necessary to recognize more in water than its chemical structure and the chemical composition of… Read More »

Does the human body replace itself every 7 years?

There are trillions of cells in your body, but the cells that you have today are not all the exact same cells that you had yesterday. Over time, cells age and become damaged, so your body’s cells are constantly replicating, creating their own replacements.  This constant cellular activity has sparked a popular idea: Every seven years or so,… Read More »