By | 2 May 2024

“What I don’t understand is not necessarily unwise. Perhaps there is a realm of wisdom from which all logic is excluded.” Socrates


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Source: Survival of the Informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

What is Nature or WHO is Nature?

Is it an unknown acquaintance or a known unknown?

Can it be revealed, understood by the Truth, or is the Truth itself?

Is it possible to understand, study and learn about it in classrooms, laboratories, institutes – with technical devices invented by man? Is it possible to understand it with the mind, with mental, rational processes and with logic? Is it possible to mold it into legality? Or is it only necessary to grasp it, observe it carefully, feel it, experience it, respectfully learn from it in the Kingdom that is, all that is?

Nature is life, it is myth and reality, it is inspiration, it is reality, it is life itself and survival. In her are all life forces, with her womb we are bound by the umbilical cord of Life itself. Humanity’s attempts to subdue it are ridiculously insolent and, of course, futile. Nature reveals all Truths, including the great Truth about the cooperation of everything with everything and the importance of everything that is. It responds to Cosmic forces, cooperates with them, is in synergy with them.

By relating to Nature, man establishes the quality of his life. Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or automatically.

What is real for man is man’s relationship to Nature. This is a fundamental relationship that affects the quality of people’s lives and their well-being.

Life is relationships. We can learn this from Nature.

That is why it is interesting and important to observe and learn how people establish their dominant attitude towards Nature.

Is people’s attitude towards Nature their intimate feeling, the energy that comes from it, or what the current school order, religion and education teach them about the concept of Natural Order?

gaias slap 799x1024 - UNDER THE "MANTLE" OF using words "NATURE" AND "NATURAL SOLUTIONS"
Source: Survival of the Informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

A brief look into the past reveals an interesting picture and connection – a mirror likeness between the current social order and its characteristic concept of “understanding” Nature.

The capitalization of her name is appropriate when we describe and understand her as a magnificent Being, which she is. We can forget this capital letter when we descend to the level of concepts, which were only wrapped in its name by current social arrangements.

Each existing social order has protected its own concept of understanding Nature and its characteristics, its values and rules, and justifies it with its own interpretation of the concept of understanding nature. Every existing social order, with its concept of (miss)understanding nature, shows that the natural order is on its side. In the history of mankind, every groundbreaking, social and economic revolution was associated with its characteristic, new interpretation of the concept of understanding nature, the origin of life. Thus, in fact, each new social order established an appropriate, artificial fundamental relationship between Man and Nature and of course incorporated it into the school system and other value systems that have an influence on the thinking and beliefs of mass populations of people. New concepts of understanding nature were founded in history before the new social order. Thus, every new, dominant social order was always a reflection of the currently valid concept of understanding nature. Every social order is also justified through its current, characteristic way of understanding nature and interpreting the natural order.

Acceptance, recognition of the Natural order is a category that has a great influence on the dominant thinking of the majority, on the attitude of people to nature, on the actions of people and on interpersonal relations, on the quality of life and everything related to it. Human beings are quick to accept concepts that are believed to be valid in nature. The mental images that people summarize are recreated into reality with their creative power – that is, in this way every social system is generated and self-sustaining. So what are the current concepts of understanding nature in different social periods actually talking about? About society, about dominant social relations in a certain period, or about Nature?

What does history say about it?

To understand the mechanism, it will be enough to look at two people who in history reflected the social system of their time with their given concepts of understanding of the natural order and whom we mostly all know from school desks: they were Thomas Aquinas and Charles Darwin.

Thomas Aquinas: in the thirteenth century he spread theses about the immutability of species in nature. He substantiated the immutable relationships and interdependence between natural beings, which, according to his theses, were created by God. He explained that the diversity of living beings is a gift from God, that living beings cannot be the same because the natural order is also based on inequality. According to his theses, immutable mutual dependencies in nature were created by God, from these differences come the distribution of obligations and dependencies between natural beings. Each creature created by God has its unchanging place in this arrangement – and likewise in the feudal social order, each human being has its own rank, which clearly and rigidly determines its duties, rights, and destiny! In the late Middle Ages, church theses about the immutability of species were taken up by in accepted by most Europeans. Such an interpretation of the natural order actually reflected the characteristics of the then feudalistic social order.

The capitalist social order came about with the industrial revolution. Charles Darwin was the herald of the then concept of understanding nature. For more than 100 years, his ideas about the natural order have had a significant impact on people’s relationships with themselves, their fellow human beings, and nature. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his famous book entitled “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”. This work was translated again in 2009 under the changed title: “On the origin of species through the action of natural selection or the preservation of preferred races in the struggle for survival”. He developed and presented the theory of the development of all living beings from a common ancestor, defining natural selection as the mechanism that determines changes and the success of changes. According to the concept of natural order, explained by Darwin, in nature there is an absolutely necessary struggle for survival, competition, evolutionary differences arise – which divide the unity. His justification of the natural order, his concept of understanding nature, affirmed the competitiveness of humans. According to him, a justified understanding of nature, justifies the division of labor, his evolutionary concept was consistent with the imperialist goals of England at the time. In its interpretation of the natural order, the concept of Darwinism is based on the characteristics of the social environment of the time when Darwinism arose.

For our present, the time of the industrial age is irresistibly passing, we are in an age marked by information and genetic technology. What connections between the current social order and the concept of understanding nature can be observed in the present time?

The illusion of genetic conditioning

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Source: Survival of the informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

James Dewey Watson, who together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins discovered the structure of DNA, is also known for his statement: “We thought our fate was written in the stars.” Now we know that it is written in the genes.” At the present time, there is a paradigm of understanding nature and man, which is based on neo-Darwinism and the genetic conditioning of people. Many people agree to the thesis that they are “victims of their genes”, that all their diseases, habits, conditioning, fate originate from their genes. From many people today, we can often hear the statement “It comes from my genes”. The holistic treatment of man, who is undoubtedly more than just his physical body, is not in the foreground. A “genetically conditioned” person is close to thinking about the technological removal of unwanted genetic traits by removing “unwanted genes”. Genetic technology provides such solutions.

On the other hand, the holistic treatment of a person has become an important present reality, which the official system can no longer avoid. He gave it a meaningful name: “Alternative”. More and more people participate in so-called alternatives and turn to them for “help”. “Alternatives” are also characterized by connecting people with Nature – with feelings, with observation, with respect, with learning from it, with cooperation with it, with a so-natural way of growing food, living and living. The crisis is doing its thing, or the crisis is fulfilling its mission. A lot of people become aware of their creative powers and use them consciously, a lot of people change “their” or automatic default beliefs. Coincidence or a self-regulating system that establishes a broken balance in the web of life of Man and Nature? My answer to this question: At the time of writing this chapter, I received a message by e-mail from a colleague with the title “We want good changes”. The message included a link to a documentary by Bruce Lipton entitled, Biology of Belief – by Bruce Lipton. In this documentary, the author explains how it is actually our beliefs that condition us, not our genes. (You can watch the documentary at the web address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjj0xVM4x1I).

Source: Spiral ilusion, pw.com

The illusion of crisis

Today’s concept of understanding nature often presents the idea of a crisis.

The environment is in crisis – nature is in crisis.

What concepts are very often enforced by today’s social order? We hear about the crisis from everywhere – about the economic crisis, about the financial crisis, about the crisis in healthcare, about the crisis in mutual relations, about the crisis of people, about the human crisis, about the existential crisis, about the crisis of values, about the crisis xxxx… i.e., imprints that are supposed to be summarized by human minds and thus uncritically – realized in the 3D dimension of our existence.

7371324 1920x1080 2500 1024x576 - UNDER THE "MANTLE" OF using words "NATURE" AND "NATURAL SOLUTIONS"
Source: Survival of the Informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

I personally have not been a victim for a long time. I do not turn on the media imprint. I talk to people about inspiration, solutions. I encourage and praise my friends. I love my beloved Man forever, regardless of the circumstances here and now, because I simply know and feel that he is the love of my life. I learn from all circumstances. I am always becoming a better version of Myself. My personal assessment is that it is worth it! It never more occurs to me to not follow Myself, my inner voice, my illumination, my intuition, my heart, my soul. But, I haven’t always been like that. The price I paid in my life for acting on my own without taking into account my indeed feelings, my real emotions, my real inner voice, without taking into account my intuition, taught me the necessary lessons and sharpened my ego so that it stopped pushing for the throne where my Highest Inner Guidance Belongs.

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Source: Personal Excellence

How to get out of the maze

“You will gladly draw water from the wells of salvation”. (Holy Bible, Isaiah 12:3) There is enormous wisdom in this saying and a treasure worth knowing. I’ll write more about it one day.

As someone decides, they will decide. Some will remain at the entrance. Some will land on dead ends and remain in the labyrinth. Some will meander, choose long routes. Some will choose the easiest, most straightforward route and gain enormously from it!

It is necessary to start – and for you it is possible only with yourself, fot everyone is possible just by themself- and continue as well!

We all carry within us the evolutionary memory of the generative line of life, a billion-year-old collection of instructions for survival in the changing conditions of the planetary environment! We can call it creativity, intelligence. At evolution we should see the olution of our life as an abundance of creativity! Such a view changes and dispels the “old picture”, about the inevitable groping in the dark, about the uncertainty that the future brings, about the absolutely necessary “struggle for survival” and about the absolutely necessary competition. This overturns all dogmas about the inevitability of our fate, over which we have no influence, about fighting, walking, exhaustion. This overturns all dogmas about the necessary outcome of every fight, which brings victory to one and defeat to the other! This undermines the need for constant technological development of science, as we are used to it – even more measurable evidence for everything, even more analysis, even more sophisticated methods, even more statistics… This allows, encourages creativity, self-expression! This allows individuality, this allows diversity! This paves the way for cooperation, acceptance of differences, desirability of differences, complementarity. This opens the way to the idea that all “crises of today’s man, society, environment” are unnecessary! This opens the way to freedom!

Do you realize what all this actually means?

Of course, the planetary environment is an important fact in this concept! The planetary environment is not only the planet Earth, but it is formed by everything that is in the Cosmos – all the planets, all the forces – all the energies that interact with each other, cooperate and constantly create Creation.

We humans are also the planetary environment. With our thoughts, feelings, we constantly emit energy into the universe, and the energy system of the Universe responds to this. It gives back to us what we give out. This is how we create our lives. The Law of Attraction is a fact and it is eternal! It is also a fact that every material existence continues to vibrate on an energy level, the condensation of energies results in a material, tangible, visible level. Therefore, the question – do energies work – is in fact more than strange, but at the same time astonishing. That’s how all of Creation and everything that is works on the energy level. The question reveals to the questioners an opportunity – to abandon ignorance about the actual way the Universe, Nature, Life works, to start taking into account the fundamental truths about energies by first becoming aware of them and starting to use them for our own good – because we are the creators of our lives. There are no other saviors and there never will be.

The planetary environment is also plants, minerals, water, air. They vibrate their vibrations and the energy system of the Universe responds to it. That’s why balance in the ecosystem is so important! Balance is a state created in Nature so that all systems, all mechanisms are in harmony with each other and in optimal (co)operation. They are perfect! Humans can observe them, learn from them, can summarize natural solutions and act by following the true concepts of how Nature works. When we start to “repair” them, “improve” them – we are in a dead end. We got into one of these dead ends when, decades ago, agriculture started introducing one-sided concepts for improving plant productivity – for bigger crops, for better yields. What is the price? Non-resistant plants, increasingly susceptible to plant diseases and many pests. The quality of food – which we have impoverished, devalued, and poisoned many times. Worse health of people and animals. Contaminated groundwater – and with it drinking water, depleted of vital life forces. Deteriorating air quality, decreasing soil fertility and fewer and fewer healthy, fertile areas in agricultural and nursery production. So is such an “improvement” to life and quality of life beneficial or detrimental?

Nature is a perfect creation with a self-regulating system of adaptations. It cannot be understood with the human mind – because the mind itself is limited and is only part of the human tool. But it is possible to feel her, observe her, connect with her respectfully and draw wonderful solutions from her. All the solutions are in Nature, and the way out of the crisis of the present humanity is probably decisive for the possible human choice to get closer to her, to get closer to her again. When we restore Sanctity to Nature and Creation, we restore Humanity, Wholeness to man!

The most effective and best solutions are always easy, simple. So does it make sense to use the concept of simplicity? To observe, feel and perceive Nature, notice the solutions that are right in front of our nose and use them – for our own good, for the good of everyone and Everything?

In my opinion, there are only two things that can hinder people from doing this. The first possible obstacle is the default – learned concept understanding of Nature – which was and is only a mental assumption of legitimacy for the existing social order and has nothing to do with actual Nature. Observation must be given a chance, observation must be placed before “what we know from learned knowledge”. Another possible obstacle is the way of observing, feeling Nature, which enables perception. We may not be used to it (anymore), but we all have this ability. It’s not knowledge, it’s ability. Mostly dormant, stunted – because most people in the modern world don’t use it. They don’t even know deeper btruth about her. But the thing with every ability is that it can be mastered by strengthening it. Strengthening is practice. Which means we probably won’t become masters overnight. But with each practice we will get better!

Recovering the Divin Feminin Kosmos Journal - UNDER THE "MANTLE" OF using words "NATURE" AND "NATURAL SOLUTIONS"
Recovering the Divine Feminine – Kosmos Journal

Feelings and emotions are sophisticated tools that enable a person to have a great deal of perception on a vibrational level. In addition to the information that enters a person directly from the Akasha (or not – if the person does not yet fulfill the prerequisites for this), feelings and emotions are a comprehensive vibrational map that not only defines a person, but dictates to him and shows him optimal decisions, the way forward and steps on this path. Such is the Divine Order, the Natural Order, the Cosmic Order.

Slika do not pretending - UNDER THE "MANTLE" OF using words "NATURE" AND "NATURAL SOLUTIONS"
Source: Survival of the Informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

People who repress / suppress their emotions, deny them, pretend, .., in short, do not use them in accordance with the Higher purpose, live in denial of Divine Order, Natural Order, Cosmic Order and in denial of Self, which is the worst. Which means that on a subtle level, they send such commands to the environment and also to their physical body… The consequences can be terrible, they become such soon or a little bit latter. Only the person who does it to Himself can change it. But first he has to realize what he is doing to himself.

If we look at ourselves and around us, we see a lot of such self destructive behavaviors. In order to achieve harmony with Self, with the Natural Order, the Cosmic Order, it is necessary to make appropriate changes for us and in ourselves… Without guilt, shame, accusation. One must do what must be done to achieve congruence with the Self. When we achieve this, we are automatically in harmony with the Divine Order, the Natural Order, the Cosmic Order. We all still have some of such opportunities, more or less. Have you perhaps ever thought that this is actually our real work that we have to do in the course of our lives, here and now?

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - UNDER THE "MANTLE" OF using words "NATURE" AND "NATURAL SOLUTIONS"
Source: Survival of the informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

Finding, establishing and maintaining a collapsed level takes place in many areas of life and with different approaches and measures. This is the path of coexistence, cooperation, respect. This is the path of realizing that it is appropriate to often ask: “Who are you, Nature”. One of these ways of establishing and maintaining a holistic balance leads to the production of food, which should support the holistic being of Man, the development and realization of his potentials, health, in his synergy with Nature – by establishing, strengthening and maintaining balance pure, in accordance with Natural Order.

On this path, my practical solutions in the growing production of energy-alive plant-based food can be very welcome. Those, developed on my own way also “contain” mimic of pure Natural solutions, per Natural order, thus also energy, homeodynamics, balance – al those from plants, minerals, from divine ecosystems. While nowadays is optimal use those our own developed, own produces and own sale products, to on the same strengthening balance and own resistance of plants and revival, revitalised and strengthening balance of ecosystems in accordance with Natural Order by mimic pure Natural solutions. So growing healthy, natural plants- based food of excellent quality that actually feeds people, not just satiates them. Practically useful – in the gardens, in the orchards, and in cultivation on the farms, vineyars, etc, to achieve a symphony of balance!

SOME ancient people already knew a secret that leads anyone who uses it correctly to well-being. This secret has always been carefully guarded, accessible only to a select few. These select groups have lived in great prosperity throughout history. These people knew how to get and had the powers and behaviors to realize themselves into what they wanted to be and become.

images 1 biofotoni - UNDER THE "MANTLE" OF using words "NATURE" AND "NATURAL SOLUTIONS"
Source: Simphony of Balance, book, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,
Self-published, 2015

“Don’t eat any abomination!” (Holy Scripture, Leviticus 11:1-47)

Have you ever realized that you do not have the necessary energy for self-realization – that you simply do not have the fuel to achieve what you are determined to do – be it in the area of health, business goals, relationships, material goals? The solution is in front of you. It is read from the book Nature. It is described in a language you understand.

So – really easy. Remember: “The most effective and the best solutions are always simple!”

This is always true. Even in this case, also for you!

If we want to have healthy bodies, a healthy mind, and strength, it is necessary to feed the body with energetic living food.

How to grow energy alive plant based food – indeed in compliance with natural order in nowadays demanding condition?

If you are only determined to be and become what you actually want to be and become, the possible solution – easy for use, is under this link.


  • Simphony of Balance, Author Majda Ortan Eng., book. Self-published, 2015
  • Survival of the Informed, Author Majda Ortan Eng.,e-book on CD, 2019, Issued in self-publishing

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Ph. Natural Agrohom., Ing. Majda Ortan s.p., Šmiklavž 26, 2381 Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenia/ EU


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