Author Archives: Majda Ortan


EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED WITH EVERYTHING – INTERCONNECTED LIVING and BEING: It exudes many entanglements SOCIETY, HONESTY, JUSTICE, UNHEALED TRAUMAS, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE, PEASANT REBELLION, FEED INSTEAD OF HEALTH FOOD… Unfortunately, this statement has its roots in real life here and now. If we can agree with this statement, what do we say about the certain… Read More »

Who will pay the borrowing to the Nature?

Below is published Article, titled: Kdo bo plačal zadolževanje Naravi? / Who will pay the borrowing to the Nature? By Author Nara Petrovič. Published in online newspaper Delo, August 9. 2013 . Nara Petrovič, member of the founding board of the Slovenian Ecovillage network, about economics with characteristic immediacy and brutal reality: “Just as you… Read More »


Under the “farming umbrela”, it is crowded those days.Practically everything related to “the formation” of human food and animal feed is classified there. A wide variety of modern technologies that produce food differently from what is determined by the Natural Order. They like to call them “smart technologies”. Nowadays, accidentally or on purpose, the boundaries… Read More »

Liberation from yourself – Cutting the knots of being trapped in the dungeons of a toxic childhood

“Fairy tale shadows And yet what is so carefully stitched together in the seam of all of these words and deeds is the element of “being seen.” It is not in what they do, but in how it makes us feel. By making us extensions of them, they become the liberators of the pieces of… Read More »

The Spirit of Agriculture

Explanation: The text under item I. is the author’s work of Majda Ortan, eng.. The following is a collection of references from others (see Literature and sources). “A sustainable agriculture, likewise, has personal, interpersonal and spiritual dimensions.” “Reclaiming the Spiritual Roots of Farming“. By John Ickerd, University of New Hampshire, 2001. I. In general, humans… Read More »


Changes. Changes are happening.The most important changes may not be changing the global world order. The most important changes are probably not climate changes either. The most important changes are probably not changes of global monitary sistem.The most important changes are happening within each of us and in everything that makes up our Planet and… Read More »

A safe operating space for humanity

Planetary boundaries The planetary boundaries concept presents a set of nine planetary boundaries within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come The evolution of the planetary boundaries framework. Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Based on Richardson et al. 2023, Steffen et al.… Read More »

It’s not just the moon that sways us

Instead of Introduction: No Man Is an IslandBy John Donne No man is an island,Entire of itself.Each is a piece of the continent,A part of the main.If a clod be washed away by the sea,Europe is the less.As well as if a promontory were.As well as if a manner of thine ownOr of thine friend’s… Read More »


CULTIVATION OF WILD, ABANDONED AREAS, Rosa Canina, Plant fungal infections GREEN LIVES MATTER For Divine Life is the significant green color of the light spectrum, this is also the color of a healthy human heart chakra. It is thus regulated by the Divine Natural order, where everything is connected with everything. But, nowadays, many people’s… Read More »

First – appropriate adjustments! After that – necessary changes!

Hot days, heat waves. A fever that lasts. Even over the nights don’t get cold yet. In such extreme conditions circumstances is needed to be familiar with information regarding hit dangerous and first aid measure, if needed. Probably you also can remember some experience of disappointment,It’s hot. After half an hour of work, all… Read More »