The Guerrilla home-gardening

By | 26 May 2024

This growing season is extremely important! It can be extremely important that you actively and immediately start gardening for your family’s self-sufficiency with food, vegetables, berries, fruit, maybe even some crops!

Farmers, mostly around globe, are (more or less) in poor conditions, too many farms are abandoned due to poor farming conditions.

This year’s late spring, summer, autumn, …, can remind us that food does not grow on store shelves. However, this may only be the beginning of a period when we will have to rely on ourselves for food supply.

Guerrilla GardeningThe Awersome Foundation.IMG 1098 1365×1024 – GUERRILLA KINDERGARTEN – HERE and NOW: why, what, how, …
Photo credit: The Awersome Foundation
This year’s late spring, summer, autumn, …, can remind us that food does not grow on store shelves. However, this may only be the beginning of a period when we will have to rely on ourselves for food supply.

There is so much scaremongering in the media, on social networks, that many people have become resistant to “bad” news. However, it is necessary to know how to sift bad news that serves to intimidate and people listen helplessly in connection with it, from those that have a preventive warning nature about the coming change that requires us to adapt in time because we are capable of it! So we each have our own power to implement it and that in time.

Food shortage Pehan News 220111171145 01 us supermarket empty shelves omicron supply chain 0109 large 169 – GUERRILLA KINDERGARTEN – HERE and NOW: why, what, how, …
Photo-source: Pehal News
I would not waste words on the causes, backgrounds, but the composition of real situations clearly shows that the time has begun when the human population is more threatened than not by a global food shortage. Namely, since 2019, the actual cycle of the movement of the Earth has been in the phase of the Solar Minimum, a natural phenomenon when, due to the position of the planets Earth and the Sun, there is less sunlight on Earth. However, there are phenomena where dark spots on the Sun (Sunspots) are associated with solar activity, often as the source of giant explosions – such as solar flares or solar coronal mass eruptions – that can blast light, energy and solar material into space. Less sunlight of the right wavelengths for plants means reduced photosynthesis. A decrease in photosynthesis means a weakened plant growth, thus a smaller area of greenery, which, among other things, also breathes. So this consequently means less crops on the same areas. Another aspect is coming closer the situation of collapse of the usual global supply chains of fertilizers, seeds, oil, other energy sources and raw materials for agricultural products, which means not only that their price is increasing significantly, but that their unavailability means unavailability at the time when the growing season begins and they farmers need. Farmers over the globe are in sad July, August, September will be the months when this translates into a lack of globally grown crops for human food and animal feed. Supermarket shelves tend to stay emptier. The third aspect is the current war between the big players in the agricultural markets with human food, animal feed, and foodstuffs.

Spring is the time for your own action, i.e. growing your own food on the kitchen gardens, fruit gardens and storing it. Let it be as much canning, drying,…, because everything that needs electricity is conditional on a working network and uninterrupted supplies of electricity.

Women, girls, learn about food storage to stock up on food for your families. Now it makes sense to invest in a book with instructions for preserving and drying food…

GARDENING IS NOT A MYTH: EVERYONE CAN GROW FOOD FOR THEMSELVES AND FOR THEIR FAMILY. Certainly in my home country Slovenia. No objections, no excuses, will soften the truth. And home gardening is really easy. If this is a family or group activity, this is a high added value to a healthy way of life, to better interpersonal relationships.

Unfortunately,, the legacy of globalism in relation to the sale of seeds, seedlings, soil, plant protection products, fertilizers,…, is anything but negligible. It leaves behind an imbalance in ecosystems, non-native pests and diseases, plants resistant to our growing conditions, vibration pollution in the soil – because the imported soil in our soil is “non-native, just like non-native seeds and seedlings. They are disturbers of the Natural Order! When the Natural Order is disturbed, it generates problems! The same applies to outdated, obsolete “knowledge”. What is right to know and do now was not given to us by schools, not even by colleges. These are different conditions that require completely different solutions, for which outdated knowledge simply no longer serves them. This also applies to such and other advice for growers, farmers and fruit growers. I myself was very surprised when I found out years ago that one of the gurus of Slovenian nursery school doesn’t even have a garden – she told me that herself… (Is this good, acceptable or not – let everyone judge for themselves…) , let’s take action and create our own garden! In accordance with the Natural Order!

fertile soil American Express Essential Header Example Guerilla Gardening 1820×1024 – GUERRILLA GARDENING – HERE and NOW: why, what, how, …
Photo credit: American Assitiation Essential
Let’s be aware of how important the fertility of our soil is. Do not add foreign (imported) soils, modern/commercial additives, foreign (imported) fertilizers, foreign plant protection agents to them. Many Slovenian providers are only resellers, offering foreign goods. Sometimes they also repackage it and according to the law, they can declare that they are the manufacturers. In fact, they have neither their own products nor their own production. They only have foreign goods that they resell. This really won’t save us in a very likely food crisis. Each nation will only care about its own “r*t”. That’s clear. Without Slovenian suppliers who have their own products, which we need for plant production and their own production, we can only wish for food self-sufficiency, we can talk about it nicely, but it will not be possible to implement it! Therefore, if the Slovenian production of such products is to ensure that self-sufficiency is and will be possible, it must exist, it must have enough Slovenian buyers. Is this clear to everyone even when we open our wallets?

Soil fertility can be destroyed, wasted, especially in situations where key healthy, natural repromaterials are missing. We can expect all varieties on the market. But we are lucky that Slovenia is small enough that we mostly know each other. It is easy to sift the wheat from the chaff. The actual “manufacturers” do not offer and will offer everything in between, everything that anyone could wish for. .. They offer and will offer their own products that they have developed and manufacture themselves.

“The order of the world begins to be established only when we stop interfering, which creates confusion, uncertainty and resistance. ” (Alenka Rebula). Of course, this is also the case in Nature and in the garden, in the field, in the orchard, in the vineyard! THIS IS EASY TO FOLLOW!

The natural order guarantees that it is grown healthy and in harmony with Nature.

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