Gardens, have always been extensions of houses, they belong to houses. Over time, gardens have been designed in different styles. Thus, certain types of plants became characteristic of them.
A good example of such a plant is European box or boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is a slow-growing, evergreen tree.
Even in Slovenia, we couldn’t imagine a farm garden without boxwood, it couldn’t be missing in arboretums, in gardens on castle estates that have been turned into museums these days, and in many public gardens and parks.
But, the story with boxwoods in Europe became worrying about 15 years ago. And for a reason. The boxwood bushes were drying up, their evergreen leaves were falling off or were eaten. Entire bushes were destroyed, as well as entire plantations and artificial plantings.
The boxwood bushes were drying up, their evergreen leaves were falling off or had been eaten. Entire bushes were destroyed, and of course also entire plantations and artistic plantings.
This problem plagued all of Europe, and Slovenia was no exception.
Well, this is where our story in connection with boxwood begins.
The next described event took place in the Slovenian National Park Arboretum, Volčji potok: I was called regarding a problem with a boxwood. In more detail, in relation to the boxwood plantings in the French garden, which is under monument protection. They asked me about my possible solution.
A tour of their French garden revealed a truly ugly picture. Huge dry patches indicated that this boxwood was dying. There were two culprits: the My plan was to develop two separate agrohomeodynamic products, which will exceptionally and naturally strengthen the own vitality of the boxwoods,their own resistance to (CydalimaPerspectalis ) and its larvae, and boxwood blight, a fungal disease caused by a fungus (Cylindrocladium Buxicola), as well as the soil beneath them. With such developed samples of my newly developed products, we will do tests on these boxwoods. The park management agreed. We agreed on the logistics of the spraying and on the activities of the professional monitoring of boxwood after spraying.Then I wanted to be there alone for a while.
The seemingly dry branch of boxwood broken off was not dry in the core. So this boxwood was still alive, even though it looked dead on the outside. My plan was to develop two separate agrohomeodynamic products, which will exceptionally and naturally strengthen the own vitality of the boxwoods, The Park Management agreed. We agreed on the logistics of the spraying and on the activities of the professional monitoring of boxwood after well as the soil beneath them. With such developed samples of my newly developed products, we will do tests on these boxwoods. The park management agreed. We agreed on the logistics of the spraying and on the activities of the professional monitoring of boxwood after spraying.

I made this task a priority and worked whole days. Results: Two new homeodynamic products have been developed, namely for the natural strengthening of the boxwood’s own vitality and consequently also its own resistance to boxwood blight and for the natural strengthening of its own vitality and consequently also the boxwood’s own resistance to boxwood blight.
The implementation of the application of the spray on the boxwood went according to plan. This is also how professional monitoring of events took place.
And? And joy at the success, which we were all happy about!
At the time of project, collaborator of the Arboretum Park, Volčji potok, was finishing his studies at the College of Horticulture and Visual Arts in Celje. His Diploma Thesis contains all the results and details and is available in the library of the College of Horticulture and Visual Arts in Celje.
For you is this whole story briefly described under this link – PROJECT BUXUS, pdf.
Short time later, a similar story was repeated with great success, this time in a private castle garden.The owner of the castle could not believe his eyes: “What is dead cannot become alive again”, he commented, when he saw the sprouting tops of the previously dry boxwood bushes.
All Photos: Personal Photo Archive: Majda Ortan, ing.
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• Living heritage of parks and gardens
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Ph. Natural Agrohom., Ing. Majda Ortan s.p., Šmiklavž 26, 2381 Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenia/ EU
T: 00386 (0)70 820 279, WhatsApp: 00386 70 820 279 (Kindly, please, for sms only. Phone conversations must be prior agreed per sms or mail. Thanks).