First – appropriate adjustments! After that – necessary changes!

By | 20 June 2024

Hot days, heat waves. A fever that lasts. Even over the nights don’t get cold yet.

In such extreme conditions circumstances is needed to be familiar with information regarding hit dangerous and first aid measure, if needed.

Probably you also can remember some experience of disappointment,
It’s hot. After half an hour of work, all you know is that you are very hot.
After every hour of work you are entitled to a “heat break”, preferably in the cooling zone.
The minutes drag on, but the heat persists.
Finally! It’s your turn to cool down and refresh for ten minutes.
To refresh yourself, treat yourself to a seasonal fruit wrap in addition to water. Now it’s time for strawberries and cherries. You choose your package in the food machine and pay the price.
You open your package and eagerly bite into the juicy strawberry. But, underneath it, the fruit already looks moldy, despite the fact that it was just opened and taken from the refrigerated food store machine. Now you smell an open plastic container. Only now can you smell the musty smell. Of course, you take away all the fruit and plastic container. Your stomach couldn’t handle sorting this fruit. Your disappointment is all the greater because you really needed a refreshing fruit meal.

Handling plants in heat

When plants are hot, they experience plant stress. Gardeners and farmers need to know how help them, that recovery is possible after normalisation of circumstances.

Even ground heat causes burns.

Druga vsebina: It’s not about taste, this is about beauty.

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