CULTIVATION OF WILD, ABANDONED AREAS, Rosa Canina, Plant fungal infections
For Divine Life is the significant green color of the light spectrum, this is also the color of a healthy human heart chakra. It is thus regulated by the Divine Natural order, where everything is connected with everything.
But, nowadays, many people’s lives are not green, many people’s heart chakras are closed, they radiate dirty shades of colors – that is, energy frequencies inadequate for the natural order. It was wrote so many times, also in several of mine posts.
How many times does this need to be repeated – so that healing thoughts, words, actions and energies become seen, heard, felt and USED. That in the desert of dead old beliefs the pioneer sprouts of the new appear, which strengthen and prepare the ground for a new life?
The death of something insignificant, bad, ugly can be redemptive.
But dying of something vital, alive, mediated into life by Divine Will and Divine Consciousness, is a kind of genocide against them, caused by gigantic arrogance, without any respect, without feeling. The Divine plan of good and necessary changes is dying, maybe is already dead because someone said their NO to Divine Consciousness. It is hard to believe that such a sinless living thing exists, and perhaps it does, and is insensitive and has no naturally healthy relationship to itself, not to me, not to you, not to Nature. This beeing denies Life in himself because Life is love and Divine Consciousness. He denies himself. And that acceptable part, the female energy, is the half that cannot inseminate the essence of its fertility of blessing, reprograming old world by itself according to the natural order, it must come to terms with it, just like the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Will.
Compassion emerges behind this hurt, promising compassion and also the realization that the Divine truth may be different from this insight. Healing closes the fresh wound, she may leave, go further.
When this occured in real life, her job was to leave when the time was right and when she was ready. She leaves with her half of the Soul, that has accepted the Truth. She left with a new hope inside her and realizes that this is what is most needed now for the world, for our planet and for everyone on it.
This enlightenment required a reset of terms and perceptions. It was born in pain and also in pride.
She left in her light. She has enough healing energy left for that defective, callous male half. Maybe, one day callous masculinity will heal with this healing energy. For this world has degenerated in large part because of defective souls who do not respect anything, who do not respect anything Divine and anything living.
This time – directly after the summer solstice – symbolically invites us to new hope, to the path to well-being. The feeling that illuminates this path clearly and benevolently, joyfully, is enthusiasm. Our own self-enthusiasm, which perhaps we rarely indulge in. Childhood and youth left a person with at least some legacy of pure enthusiasm for oneself, for one’s own achievements. Pure and genuine, heartfelt excitement that fills the heart and invigorates the senses is a living nutrient that everyone needs. When we indulge in it in regular, frequent meals, it miraculously changes the colors of our perceptions, gray loses its place in the palette of life. A pure memory of our own, pure, joyful childhood enthusiasm for ourselves, for our achievements, is our own network, which promises that we can admit the truth about ourselves at any time and that we take care of ourselves as good, generous, broad-hearted, thoughtful masters. Without the need to depend on the (good) opinions of others, which we (knowingly and unknowingly) strive for since early childhood. Because this is how we learned to look for love and because we have covered the painful realization that there is not (enough) love outside of us – the kind we need, with the costumes of Narcissus, who can only admire the lake reflection of their image, only the illusion of themselves, which they believe her, hidden behind many masks. The reflection of the lake is a reflection, seen, which we cannot feel, touch, embrace. Without touch there is no closeness and no contact. There is no relationship. There is no loving comfort and no connection. Enthusiasm for oneself, for one’s own achievements and capacities, dries up the roots of narcissistic detachment from the natural order, from disconnection with oneself and from disconnection with others. It nourishes fertile, airy, healthy, hospitable soil for current and new growth.
The pomegranate teaches us about this. This is indicated by its many bushes, growing where cultivated areas have been abandoned. The prickly pioneer prepares living conditions for the luxuriant growth of trees, which eventually outgrow and become overgrown. It blooms enthusiastically and easily at the time when spring turns to summer, opening its flowers – white and pink, which herald the return of active life to abandoned, dry surfaces in innocent, luxurious beauty. In autumn, they bear nutritious fruits with many talents – vitamins. In winters, when there is a lack of live food, they are offered to hungry animals and people who want vitamin boosts to relieve ailments.The flower of all flowers – the rose – was cultivated from the rosehip.
Roses are grown from their hips, which for many people are the flowers of all flowers. Flower essences of wild rosehip flowers help open the heart to your own enthusiasm for yourself and life. Only this paves the way out of drought, out of being stuck in the gaps, out of the merry-go-round of crises, out of programmed, tired, forced action out of hungry need. Through the feelings of one’s own enthusiasm for oneself and one’s life, one soon loosens and enriches with nourishment one’s own soil for a more fruitful, happier life. As the faces of rosehips bear within themselves the faces of luxuriant roses, so rapture bears within itself all the faces of love. Love for yourself, for other people and for Creation. It blooms open and pure and offers itself to be taken in, to live from its mana. Let’s not overlook this luxurious possibility of well-being, which only we can bestow upon ourselves by regularly practicing our own, sincere enthusiasm for ourselves and our activities.
A returned, revived, multiplied joyful will to live, connected with sensuously vivid feelings of enthusiasm for oneself, for one’s life, persistently ignites the net of one’s own creative forces, oils the wheels that drive the lever of one’s own creativity. We implement it with the force of healthy aggressiveness – similar to how the pomegranate does when it pioneers revitalizing abandoned sites. That is why it is good, indeed neccessary, to learn more about healthy aggression – about its appropriate practical use and how to avoid the pitfalls of not using it inappropriately – so that we do not repress it and do not use it for aggression. Most people, due to lack of education, do exactly this and thus lose this life force, which is given to us and is necessary for creation, and direct it destructively, against themselves. This is how autoimmune diseases are created, diseases caused by inadequate psychosomatic patterns and associated beliefs, behaviors, thoughts and emotions. This is how scenarios of fear, fighting for one’s rights, violence, wars, shortages, misery and even apocalyptic scenarios are created.
Healthy aggressiveness is a Divine energy that one must cultivate through proper anger management. Otherwise, anger is expressed as a destructive, evil, divisive, hostile and hated energy.
This is also the similar case in nature and in agriculture – it is always the case when fungal diseases appear. Fungal diseases of plants occur when the forces of Life are too much, when they are too strong, when they act from the wrong plant organs, when the forces of Life are not in balance with the forces of Order. Fungi are characterized by rapid growth.
Regarding plants lost ressistance to fatal fungi, my challenge in the years around 2010 was to feel these energies of infected / sick plants on fields, orchards, gardeners, wines orchards etc.. And oposite – in natural ecosystems, to feel there also those missing forces of Natural Order that can balance them, ground them. Than I was chalenged to imprint them correctly in their energy footprint, and from them then develop practical, useful energized agro-homeodynamic product from this.
More information about product: here, on the page 31. INVITED TO ORDER!
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