Instead of Introduction:
No Man Is an Island
By John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

Deficient concepts for the existence the life of our planet?????
Typical thinking of modern man:
We are allowed to “evolve in our own way” until we reach our limits. But what does it mean to “develop your own way”? Is it just by your own rules? Bypassing the Natural Order?! By the Universal Order?!
We are allowed to “evolve in our own way” until we reach our limits. Where this text come from?
Invited to find out in the text below:
“In September 2023, a team of scientists quantified, for the first time, all nine processes that regulate the stability and resilience of the Earth system.
These nine planetary boundaries were first proposed by former centre director Johan Rockström and a group of 28 internationally renowned scientists in 2009.
Since then, their framework has been revised several times.
Now the latest update not only quantified all boundaries, it also concludes that six of the nine boundaries have been transgressed.
Crossing boundaries increases the risk of generating large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental changes. Drastic changes will not necessarily happen overnight, but together the boundaries mark a critical threshold for increasing risks to people and the ecosystems we are part of.

The evolution of the planetary boundaries framework. Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Based on Richardson et al. 2023, Steffen et al. 2015, and Rockström et al. 2009) Click on the image to download.
Boundaries are interrelated processes within the complex biophysical Earth system. This means that a global focus on climate change alone is not sufficient for increased sustainability. Instead, understanding the interplay of boundaries, especially climate, and loss of biodiversity, is key in science and practice.
Since its first conceptualization, the planetary boundaries framework has generated enormous interest within science, policy, and practice.”
“Currently, anthropogenic perturbations of the global environment are primarily addressed as if they were separate issues, e.g., climate change, biodiversity loss, or pollution. This approach, however, ignores these perturbations’ nonlinear interactions and resulting aggregate effects on the overall state of Earth system. Planetary boundaries bring a scientific understanding of anthropogenic global environmental impacts into a framework that calls for considering the state of Earth system as a whole.”
UH Scientists discover massive energy imbalance on Staturn
By Bryan Luhn — 713-743-0954, June 18, 2024 —Science, Energy and Innovation
A groundbreaking discovery by researchers at the University of Houston has revealed a massive energy imbalance on Saturn, shedding new light on planetary science and evolution and challenging existing climate models for the solar system’s gas giants. The findings appear in the scientific publication Nature Communications.
“Every planet gets energy from the sun in the form of solar radiation and loses energy by emitting thermal radiation,” Wang said. “But Saturn, like the other gas giants, has another energy input in the form of deep internal heat affecting its thermal structure and climate.”

The imbalance is due to Saturn’s large orbital eccentricity which varies by nearly 20% from aphelion (the point in orbit farthest from the sun) to perihelion (the point in orbit closest to the sun) resulting in huge seasonal variations in absorbed solar energy. Unlike Saturn, Earth does not experience a significant seasonal energy imbalance due to its very small orbital eccentricity.
“Earth does have a measurable energy budget, but it’s primarily determined by absorbed solar energy and emitted thermal energy,” said atmospheric sciences professor Xun Jiang. “Earth’s internal heat is negligible and its seasons last only a few months compared to seasons that are several years long on Saturn.The data also suggests that Saturn’s unbalanced energy budget plays a key role in the development of giant storms which are a dominant weather phenomenon in the planet’s atmospheric system. This data may also provide some insight into weather on Earth”.
Our planet is not alone! It has neighbors in the Cosmos and the energy influences between them are significant! Electro-magnetic influences of the Universe from planet Earth are not excluded. It is not holistic approach to treat/study/measurements prerformance of the Earth, as if it is / was for itself!
Science often isolates itself in its own bubble and studies, researches, measures, analyzes within it.
Relevance, Truth, require integrity, holistic measurements that take into account all measurements. Without this, humanity will carelessly continue to implement “its development”, which is most often outside the Natural Order and/or even contrary to it. ONCE THE RUBICON IS CROSSED, IT WILL BE TOO LATE!
In his book (1976), The Part and the Whole, Werner Heisenberg excellent describes the dilemmas and difficulties in the scientific treatment of whole systems and their parts. An even bigger dilemma, which arises for me, is how such a partial treatment of the impacts on our planet should be carried away by people. Mutual electro-magnetic influences and other mutual cosmic influences of planets and stars in our Universe are of course not negligible, but in my opinion it is the other way around.
I list some of them in the rest of the text, to give a feel for readers who may not know much about it yet.
Cosmic Frequency News 26 June 2024
Source: Today’s Intense Energies – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali, Disclosure News Italy
Today’s cosmic energies are extremely intense.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) which was released by our Sun on yesterday is heading towards Earth, and people are already feeling its arrival as its stretching out of protons and electrons begin to be sensed.
When it arrives in full force, a “G1” geomagnetic storm is expected.
Even though this is a low level storm compared to the “G4” and “G5” that was experienced on May 10th, and even though prior to that immense output of power, geomagnetic storms were rated normally as “G1”, “G2”, or “G3”, when daily cosmic blasts are occurring — small or large — there is a build-up of frequencies. Thus, there is a constant surging of cosmic events. Just as people adjust to one energetic blast, another one comes.
Also, the planetary magnetosphere is surrounded and enveloped in pressing plasma density today.
Our planet is also being affected by the photons of super-novas which is LIGHT that exudes from exploding stars which then create black holes. Just prior to a star exploding, it usually dims. A simple metaphor is like pulling back on a bow to build up strength so that the arrow can then zoom powerfully off to its target.There is currently a star being watched that seems to be ready to become a super-nova. It is labeled “T CrB” and pronounced “tee-core-bore” as its name. It has been bursting with LIGHT approximately every 79 or 80 years. There was a burst of LIGHT from it in 1866, another one in 1946, and now another is soon expected.
It is 3000 light years from Earth. It is said to be like an “H-Bomb that blows up on an incredibly large scale” (Brad Schafer, Professor Emeritus, Louisiana State University, USA). Schafer is considered the leading expert on “T CrB” (T Coronae Boreali). He has been studying it since he was 18 years of age.According to him, the star should explode any time now. It seems to be “pre-erupting” with small bursts and has been doing so since March of 2023.
There is lots of LIGHT coming into our realm from various cosmic energetics, and the events are steadily intensifying. This is why we are being constantly reminded about methods in which to calm our nervous systems and chakras. Like toothpaste that cannot be shoved back into its tube, the various forms of LIGHT ACTIVATION are not ceasing. We receive them, acclimate to them, and then receive them again. Every blast is a cleansing dose for our cells and a DNA revitalization.

Schumann Resonance Today, 26/6/2024 17:00 UTC ⚡️ 13 Hrs Blackout & Power 20. Read more.
Earthquakes Above M4 In The Last 36 Hours ( Source: Disclosure news Italy, 27.6.024):
Instead of concluding:
No Man Is an Island
By John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
In Majda Ortan’s texts, I only state my personal reflections and my personal views. Dear readers, please take this into account! Thank you!
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