Under the “farming umbrela”, it is crowded those days.
Practically everything related to “the formation” of human food and animal feed is classified there. A wide variety of modern technologies that produce food differently from what is determined by the Natural Order. They like to call them “smart technologies”.
Nowadays, accidentally or on purpose, the boundaries and divisions between (plants based) food industrial production (which takes place in the factories, labs, bioreactors etc.), and plants based food growing are being blurred, which can only happen when the plants we grow are in contact with the earth / with the soil and with people.
If we start at the beginning and per vernacular with very simplified descriptions:
“Hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics… These are just some of these – now obsolete – methods. There is promise of even more “modern” ones that do not need sun, soil, or much space. These are industrial technological methods of food or feed production.
Don’t be fooled by a bunch of “green” and “eco”. Developers have prepared a formula to determine what is nature-friendly. Since one hydroponic tomato plant produces 40 to 60 kilograms of fruit, they will explain to you that this type of cultivation uses far fewer natural resources and has a smaller carbon footprint, which is said to be more environmentally friendly than growing outdoors, where one plant produces only a few kilograms of fruit.
Hens that live in a closed space and are forced to lay more eggs than there are days in the year by turning the lights off and on are, from the point of view of “green economists”, kinder to nature because they breathe less air, emit less secretions and consume less feed they lay more eggs. Your hen, which happily wanders around the meadow and indulges in not laying an egg at all here and there, is wasteful from the point of view of the environment – “breathes, eats and does not produce”.
But is production in hydroponics really comparable to cultivation in the open and on the ground?
Look at the table and it will be clear to you that we should demand that we should not use the same terms for things that are so different in content.
As the table below says, for the same amount of iron consumed, you would have to eat 22 times more beans, 500 times more lettuce, or almost 2,000 times more hydroponic tomatoes than if you ate produce from your home garden!
What they offer us as foods from new farming methods are no longer nutrients, but merely fillers for the body. Anyone who wants to consume natural food that will support health and not only give energy to the physical body, will have to grow such food himself. It’s true, even growing in your own garden is getting more challenging every day. At the same time, what is offered to us on the shelves is mostly food from industrial agro plants / factories, which has practically nothing in common with natural food except for shape and color.
Those who have not yet rolled up their sleeves and started practice for their own self-care are falling further behind those of us who have been training for many years. Anyone who has mastered the basics can take on any new challenge. It doesn’t and wouldn’t happen overnight, so we are aware of the challenge faced by everyone who would like to start but don’t know where to start.” (1)
For a start, you are kindly invited to join my LinkedIn group, you will learn many things that will lead you in the next growing season to a natural, holistic perception of growing of plants-based food and also to holistic – regenerative home gardening and holistic – regenerative agriculture.
“When the Romans besieged the Etruscans in Orvieto, they survived by making pools of water in the rocks and drilling holes in which pigeons came to nest. The pigeons could fly away every day and take care of themselves, and they raised their offspring in the holes. The locals knew exactly how many young doves were allowed to take. If they took more, this dove would no longer nest with them. In order to survive, both of them had to know very well where the line was that they should not cross.
And that’s exactly what we lack today. We no longer know where the balance line is. Most people live like zombies who only consume information, food, impressions… coming to them on a conveyor belt. We don’t know where anything comes from, we don’t know what another being (whether human, animal or microbe) has done for us, nor what our role in the mutual exchange is.
Therefore, the path to health leads us all through the weaving of relationships. Everyone needs us and we need everyone. We understand this most easily when we put it into practice. That’s why a garden, a farm, living together… represent a shortcut to knowledge that you will search for in vain on the Internet and in bestselling books.” (1)
However, it seems that very few people today really know about the importance of balance limits, and even fewer think about them these days, but they should, and absolutely!
Today, under the mantle of agriculture, we find more and more practice of technologies that take place in artificial conditions, in factories, in bioreactors and the like. They literally feed the plants with solutions of nutrients, minerals… It would be hard to convince me that there are no hormonal additives and similar growth promoters in them and yes, especially promoters for a good, as good as possible crop. But, a crop of what??? The most important nutrient is missing from the crops grown in this way – there are no energies of life, no biophotons, no juicy liveliness of living life. Artificial lighting is not a substitute for solar energy, for the light and information that unlocks connections to the mysterious quantum network of Natural Order. It is truly sad and amazing how the natural intelligence and heart in too many people today are collectively losing the power of coherence and thus the sacred code FOR CONNECTION as defined by the Cosmic Order and the Natural Order. Instead of investing their time in nurturing and enhancing their talents, many people proudly use it to explore the possibilities of defeating the Natural Order and Nature. With “intelligence” of course.
Earth does not belong to humans, it does not belong to any human. The opposite is true, man belongs to the Earth. That’s how it’s made and that’s how it works. Perfect.
So the question worth pondering is how much of the agricultural subsidies the farmers are really getting and how much is the aforesaid industry of producing empty masks to fill people with fake agricultural products and therefore also collect a significant portion of the agricultural subsidies that people are massively convinced are intended to save agriculture.
Production and growing of plants based food in no way shouldn’t fall under the same mantle of farming. These two categories are incomparable. Small farms in rural environments are a huge capital for the survival of man, people, nations of this world.
The evaluation of returns from agricultural production is totally inadequate and misleading. Only the quantities and content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals are still measured and evaluated. One must ask oneself whether he / she live to eat or eat to live – which is not possible in a healthy way without the vital energies of life and biophotons. According to the Natural order, humans and animals should get both from properly grown food, which holistically nurturing them, not just fill them.
According to the Natural order, humans and animals should get both from properly grown food.
The value and valuation of food crops should be adapted to this. Then everything will quickly become clear and everything will be put in the right place (again)…
“Them against the farmers, against us”, is the subtitle that jumps out from the sentences above. So: They, those others who fight against us and order us to fight against them. ”
We cannot overlook the separation, the two or more poles separated by interests. Their interests, of course, and all the sick strategies to achieve them are justified in their opinion. The old strategy was to steal from others to have. Beat the other, fool the other to get what I want. Who cares about entitlement: Namely, we are more, more important than them. We are the masters, they are the slaves. We are the elite, they are the scumbags. We, with status, wealth, knowledge, intelligence, power and the like, are SEPARATE FROM THEM, SEPARATE FROM OTHERS! It is this dragon that spews living hell in this world. CREATING SEPARATION. Or even – ARTIFICIAL SEPARATION WITH WHICH WE DISCONNECT FROM THE POWERFUL QUANTUM NETWORK OF THE NATURAL ORDER.
One such way to do this is described above – with “fake food”, that does not grow from the ground and outside, outdoors. With food that is devoid of its own immunology, that is poisoned with substances that spoil, weaken, destroy the natural balance, vitality and natural resistance of our bodies, other beings and the environment. The next big cause is the callousness of people. Such people who have narcissistic personality disorder tendencies are insensitive, therefore their moral and social norms are distorted, they treat everything as things meant for their own care. Often narcissism is associated with various types of addiction. Sustainable development must involve people – individuals and social communities of connected people. Therefore, healing of callousness, narcissistic tendencies and addictions is necessary. In essence, this is a condition for the possibility of any connection and healthy relationships between people, the environment, and nature. Therefore, it is one of the essential conditions of sustainable development. I have already written about other methods and there will be a few more posts on the topic.
“The essence of the story of separation is the independent self in the world of others. Because I am separate from you, your well-being does not necessarily affect mine. Moreover, in the objective external universe it is actually the case that the more you have, the less I have. It goes without saying, so that we compete with each other. If I win and subjugate you, the same applies to humanity in general. The more we can control the impersonal forces, the better when we can enter into a random, aimless universe, the world will be better. So our destiny is to transcend the original limitations of nature and become its masters. In this story, the universe is just atoms and void without any of the qualities of being that we experience as humans—intelligence, purpose, sentience, independent decision-making, and consciousness.It is therefore our responsibility to transfer these qualities to the inanimate building blocks of the universe, to its generic particles and impersonal forces, to imprint human intelligence on the inanimate world.
The story of separation pervades all the institutions of the modern world. In other books I have described how this story forms the basis of money, law, medicine, science, technology, education, etc., and how these institutions might develop based on a different story. (2)
“You are not a healthy finger if you scratch your eyes with your fingernail to avoid seeing the truth. All the technology invented by science can be either a cruel nail with which we destroy ourselves, or a valuable tool with which we scrape the thorns from the soles of our feet. The starting position from which you look at the world is also important, as it conditions how you use technological tools and gadgets.” (2)
“Reasonable people are increasingly calling on society to be responsible, to common sense and to liberate the earth from the yoke of speculative capital. They encourage the establishment of legal levers of local protectionism, for which the revival of healthy, strong local communities living on the land, of the land and for the land is essential. Such communities embrace responsibilities and duties towards the land, they feel reciprocity towards their home – they are not in a one-way relationship of ownership with it, but in a two-way relationship of belonging.
Jakob von Uexkull shared with us a beautiful story from the Mexican slums. The people who live there are forced to share a lot and help each other because of the difficult conditions. Their community is tight-knit and strong. The downside is, of course, poverty, which made many people use the first opportunity to leave and find a job, money, or apartment in the city. Some even got rich. Finally, something you wouldn’t expect happened: many returned to the slum! They missed the community, the relationships, the sharing that money can’t buy.
The lesson of the story is that boundaries – whether they are imposed from the outside or set by people themselves because they are aware of their responsibility to their living environment – strengthen the identity of a community and provide more fulfillment than the limitlessness of material possessions. Money in itself is not a value, it does not bring even an iota of security compared to the wealth of social ties. A banker once said, “Invest in friends, for the bank of heaven never fails.”” (3)
Fortunately, that’s how hope remains even for those extremists who these days don’t recognize anyone or anything except money. And at the same time, they breathe, drink water, eat… 🙂
Reference and sources:
(1) Zazdravje ljudi in okolja, Archive of posts
(2) The climate – Another Story , By Charles Eisenstein
(3) Who will pay the debt to Nature? By Nara Petrovič, Delo, Avgust 9th 2013

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