Unfortunately, this statement has its roots in real life here and now.
If we can agree with this statement, what do we say about the certain fact that justice, fairness and climate change are in fact very much intertwined.
This is good to understand, because all too often we get involved in the loop of setting priorities when solving them. That is why I am dedicating this post to this topic.
Humanity has been dealing with the question of what is fair since time immemorial.
No society should lose sight of ensuring justice for its members even for a single moment. Precisely in the time of great globalization, the immense flow of goods and people, technological excellence and the limitless ability to communicate instantly with every Earthling, inequalities in all forms of social distribution and sharing of wealth, opportunities and privileges are intensifying. “For most of the 20th century, income inequality in rich countries was decreasing, but in recent years it has been increasing again. While 50% of Western Europeans received 22% of the national income, the top 1% received a full 12%. Nothing of this seems fair.” (5)
Even the slightest perception or idea of injustice or unfairness arouses in people a deep uneasiness, rejection, opposition, unpleasant feeling and usually a dismissive response. Especially if we ourselves were/ are victims of such behavior. When we feel cheated, burdened, robbed, insulted, humiliated or shamed, we will certainly react. The response will depend on the kind of society we live in and on our health personality.
Justice and fairness are related, aren’t they. No society can count on survival if it does not ensure fair and honest treatment of its members by other members. All social institutions should also act impartially and fairly towards everyone, regardless of their status or attribute. Justice should be the greatest virtue of social institutions.
Impartial, fair treatment is the minimum that we expect everyone to respect. However, all life experience tells us that such a state is not given, that it is never certain that we ourselves, let alone others, will act justly. Abuse, the unfair use of power against the weaker by any social attribute, always cuts into the fabric of any society. In a society where there is no guarantee that its institutions will act and settle injustice, all the attributes of a secular and free, liberal society (individual responsibility, freedom of disposal and self-determination, rule of law) will be replaced by an institution of mistrust and a logic of belonging to the herd, which it provides us with basic security and punishes any disloyalty.
On the other hand, the question of social justice requires a rethinking of something called global solidarity. Growing inequalities between countries, underpinned by conflicts due to the (in)availability of natural resources, are further reinforced by climate change.
Climate change is no longer just a phrase. They have been cemented into people’s brains, but in fact the Cosmic Weather also contributes significantly to climate change on our planet with its effects. Which does not mean that human society and the people in it are innocent, far from it.
From part of humans causes influences, the key contribution to the acceleration of the warming of the atmosphere was probbably made by the most developed countries, and it is proven that this only strengthened the already demanding conditions, e.g. growing plants based food in arid regions of the planet, deepened contradictions and conflicts and pushed people to migrate.
In the face of migration, Europe has “taken action” – by strengthening security-military structures, instead of preventive corrections, for example to build more effective instruments for reducing social inequality.
If we look at the taxation system, we can learn that really rich people know how to do business like this, they don’t pay taxes.
How deeply embedded injustice is in modern corporations can be seen precisely in these practices of “avoidance of paying taxes”, evasion of giving “to Caesar what is Caesar’s”. In doing so, it is right to take into account the correct and fair amount of taxes that are really justly necessary. It is difficult and probably difficult to carry out control over the correct use of taxpayers’ funds, if consumers, i.e. employees of state systems and institutions, do not have a strong built-in sense of justice and honesty when it comes to spending tax money.
As and to the extent that we are and will be just to others, so we will be just to ourselves.
Let’s think about what each of us can do for this in our everyday decisions and actions and act more justly.
Charles Eisenstein wrote in his book Climate – A new story: “Although most environmentalists are far from indifferent to social justice, narratives of environmental and especially climate activism consider social issues less important than the great mission of saving the planet.” I have already mentioned that such a call for sacrifice in the name of fighting against is all-encompassing or threats in the same way that war is eliminated by social justice movements. “Stop ranting, don’t you know we’re at war?” Associate Marie Goodwin once asked a prominent climate activist, “Don’t you think community building is also important today?” He replied, “Not really. If we don’t immediately put all our efforts into stopping climate change, there will be no community to build.” I told her that we should become aware of this kind of thinking pattern that is common to the fight against climate change and war. I want to say something else at this point. It’s not just that social justice is “also important” (leaving unsaid: “… but not as important as saving the planet. IT IS THAT SOCIAL HEALING IS URGENTLY NECESSARY FOR ECOLOGICAL HEALING.”
A sick person usually suffers. One who suffers desperately is imbued with his own pain and such a person cannot express genuine love to others. Such a truth also applies to a suffering society. An oppressed, unhappy nation will focus only on survival needs – food, water, security, home. So, the poor are trapped in survival concerns. Rich people have different concerns, they struggle with the lack of healthy interpersonal ties in the community, with the lack of connection, intimacy, with the lack of clarity of life’s mission and life’s meaning. Both layers suffer, but for different reasons.
Natural disasters, accidents, cause much less suffering than we humans cause to ourselves and to each other.
Human trafficking and labor in exploitative enterprises, political and domestic violence, racial and gender-based violence, poverty and war…all of these occur in tandem with our systems, perceptions and narratives. THESE and SIMILAR STORIES ORIGINATE FROM UNHEALED TRAUMA, AND AT THE SAME TIME THEY ARE ALSO THE SOURCE OF TRAUMA.” (5).
We know that unhealed traumas constantly turn the wheel of human life into difficult, severe experiences, and thus an unhealed person is cycled and trapped in his own unhappiness, sadness, pain, failure. Running away to new experiences, new beginnings is not successful, stories repeat themselves indefinitely and unhealed traumas rob people of their lives. In addition, an untreated traumatized person causes traumas to other people. Everyone is responsible for healing their own traumas so that they can become a better person.
“So this is the connection between economic justice, social justice and the environment. As long as we carry unhealed social traumas, we will persist in abusing our fellow beings, even our mother Earth. This is not to say that we must heal our traumas before trying to heal the environment, but that we must recognize that social healing and ecological healing are efforts toward the same thing. None should be given priority over the other, and neither can succeed without the other.” (5)
The dissection of life into areas is artificial and is a consequence of the fact that today’s people are often no longer capable of and unaccustomed to a holistic perception of life, Nature, Creation.
This also applies to our science and educational systems, which already imprint these artificial divisions on children’s subconscious and thus train them throughout their education. The division of life into social sciences, natural sciences and further into physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry… is an artificial creation. No laboratory can identically replicate the conditions of the studied phenomenon or being, which are holistically functioning in real life conditions. Such study ignores the magnificent self-regulating quantum network of all that is. The energy information system is turned off and something is studied that is removed from the holistic, self-regulating real life. However, this is not the main topic of this paper of mine. With this content, I am only explaining that the artificial separation that has been trained for years overcomes the natural truth about integral life in human consciousness. Is this fragmentation also contributing to an all-time global crisis? Everyone should answer for themselves.
When a person EXPERIENCES a shift of consciousness into a holistic perception of life and nature, and sees the world through the eyes of
In addition to the fact that farmers and agriculture in general, by producing food for people and fodder for animals, are embedded in the living fabric of life on our planet, it is actually difficult to find a country that would honestly enable them:
- That they fulfill their mission well, that they nurture and supply healthy soil, take care of its health and vitality and preserve it, that they grow healthy food.
- That farmers are FAIRLY AND FAIRLY PAID for their mission, which they carry out with their work all day and most days of the year.
LIVING and BEING, one realizes that social healing and ecological healing are connected. That phenomenon is related.
“Believing in an innate intelligence that pervades all phenomena, such a person may conclude that if a society is inhospitable to its vulnerable members, the planet will be inhospitable to that same society. He will assume that the deep roots of homelessness are also the deep roots of climate change. Instead of ‘fighting homelessness’, he will seek to understand its origins. He will understand that he can devote himself without worry to that which most arouses his sympathy; with the certainty that what he is doing is also important from the point of view of the global crisis. In this way, he will no longer be driven by concern for self-preservation and survival, as he will understand that his well-being is inextricably linked to the well-being of everyone in his ever-growing circle of love.” (5)
The awareness of being intertwined is, in my understanding, identical to the fact that everything is connected to everything.
“In ecology, which is a science of relationships, not of things, every cause is also a symptom. Take for example the rapid shrinking of seagrass meadows, which are hotbeds of biotic diversity fertility and store more carbon per hectare than almost any other ecosystem. Seagrass loss causes carbon loss and acidification, but is also a symptom of the following:
• excessive reproduction of herbivorous molluscs and crustaceans due to overfishing by larger predatory fish;
• eutrophication and algal blooms caused by the runoff of large amounts of fertilizer-laden water from agricultural land;
• large amounts of silt, which reduces seagrass exposure to sunlight, resulting from soil erosion resulting from modern agricultural practices, logging and development.
A friend who works with fishermen (mainly crabbers) in the Chesapeake Bay told me that every hurricane or heavy influx of fresh water with lots of sediment into the bay results in mass die-offs of seagrass, crustaceans and crabs. Ecosystems are always unstable because of these intermittent disturbances. A few centuries ago, however, this did not pose a major problem, since:
• pristine wetlands were able to absorb large amounts of precipitation;
• beaver dams along all small tributaries to the bay slowed runoff and retained sediment;
• the bare top layer of the soil has not been exposed to erosion due to deforestation and land cultivation.
It is clear that the protection and restoration of seagrass requires more than just the demarcation of protected areas, because seagrass is in a relationship with all living things, including us. Our usual ‘find the enemy’ strategy will not save the seagrass either. It is tempting and convenient to blame the problem on more violent hurricanes that are the result of global warming, while ignoring the complex web of causes in which we and our way of life are intimately involved. It is also easier to blame the fishermen for their alleged greed and to ignore the complex economic causes (in which again we are involved) that drive the constant conversion of nature into commodities and money. Our intellectual habit is to look for a single cause; our scientific way of thinking requires us to measure this cause; and our political wheel responds by attacking him. If the single cause is global, we cross our fingers and delegate responsibility and authority to distant global institutions. They will take care of it. We hope so. But blaming climate change too often means doing nothing at all.
People tend to understand problems in a way that confirms the tools they know and have available. If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you only have antibiotics, you are always on the lookout for pathogenic microbes. If you only have a war mentality, you always look for the enemy first.
The most powerful and well-known tool of our society is quantitative scientific methods. That is why we also approach the problem of climate change with them. We use numbers (such as average global temperatures) to prove they are true, other numbers (CO2 emissions) to shape responses, and third numbers (integrated into computer models) to predict the future and guide policy. But is it the only tool? Is this even the right tool? We can doubt this, since the damage that industrial civilization has caused to the planet is based on the same quantification regime. With the help of science, we describe the world with numbers and mathematical relationships. With the help of technology, we use these numbers to control the material world. With the help of industry, we are turning the world into a commodity marked by numerical specifications. And based on economics, we further convert all things into some other number, which we call value.
We would like to eliminate climate change with known methods and mindsets, because in this way we would preserve the foundations of society as we know it. These methods and mindsets—a quantitative worldview—tell us that we can improve the situation by getting rid of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, the mere elimination of fossil fuels will not save us from the ecological crisis. We are promised a deeper, comprehensive revolution.
Cessation of fossil fuels does not constitute a fundamental enough change to stop ecocide worldwide. Perhaps carbon emissions could be offset by alternative fuel sources to power industrial civilization. A closer investigation might show that this is unrealistic, but it is at least conceivable that our way of life could basically continue more or less unchanged. This does not apply to the general destruction of ecosystems, to which everything on which modern technological society depends contributes: mines, quarries, agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, military technology, global transport, electronics, telecommunications, etc. All these aspects must carry over into the next incarnation; some may even become redundant.” (5)
Thank God, the comprehensive renovation of the systems that are collapsing before our eyes is already happening. First of all, what has served is falling apart, health systems, pension systems, banking systems, …, are collapsing, the axioms of economics as we know it are changing drastically.. Many companies, which in the past moved production to other continents due to cheap labor, are now closing their factories abroad. Paste/copy technologies transfer systems logic often does not work, if we do not appropriate renew it in such a way as to create a synergy between these technological systems and employees. Because there are different cultures, habits, mentality abroad… The human footprint is directly related to the quality of products and services, even in robotic production. And so on.
It is up to all of us to do our inner work, to heal the unhealed traumas in people and to prevent, to stop the massive creation of new traumas. This is the kind of epidemic that people spread among themselves.
Many of you who read my posts have probably wondered what the fields of agriculture, ecology, (re)treatment of trauma and various addictions, cosmic weather, changes in the Schuman frequency of the Earth, the effects of geomagnetic storms on everything on Earth and in it have in common… These are namely, topics on which I published my contributions for a reason. This post clarifies those potential dilemmas.
Nowadays, the agricultural “sectors” are bleeding wounds in many countries. This loss of vitality of the agriculture – locally and globally, has been going on for decades. Just like the environment or climate change, or health, or social justice and fairness, agriculture has been treated separately from other industries for decades. It is true that some projects also demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach, but it is interesting to read how the content is still treated with linear thinking, with the concept of priorities and the like. The fact that, for example, a biologist and a physicist participate in the project does not make the substantive treatment intertwined in the way that the matter under consideration is in reality, in life.
In addition to the fact that farmers and agriculture in general, by FOOD GROWING for people and fodder for animals, are embedded in the living fabric of life on our planet, it is actually difficult to find a country that would honestly enable them:
- That they fulfill their mission well, that they nurture and supply healthy soil, take care of its health and vitality and preserve it, that they grow healthy food. THAT THE FARMER IS REALLY THE CARE-Giver OF THE HEALTHY, ALIVE SOIL, WHICH IS IN TRUTH HIS MISSION.
- That farmers are FAIRLY AND FAIRLY PAID for their mission, which they carry out with their work all day and most days of the year.
Crises in agriculture, the poor situation of farmers, huge areas of poisoned soil, poisoned water, etc., are just some painful aspects of several decades of delusions in dealing with life and solving problems.
Preferentially solving problems and linear mode of thinking in the holistic ordering Natural Order and life are certainly not a strategies that would lead to appropriate integrated solutions.
For example, if we just look at the structure of our governments, they are structured by categories. This is how tasks, responsibilities and powers are divided by ministry. This is how the financial budget, taxpayers’ money, is allocated.
Experts for individual categories / areas are trained, educated, specialized in individual categories. The selection of problem solving is mostly based on priority lists.
So we see that in order for our systems and their structures to be consistent with the Natural Order, with the intertwining, we actually need healthy, honest, just, holistically educated people with open intuition and and who know how to use their healthy sensory system, their feelings to read the natural vibrations that Nature uses also to communicate. I ask myself if we even have enough of such people to properly implement such necessary changes.
Thus, we spontaneously see that we need a radically different educational system. And so on. Everything is connected to everything, everything is intertwined!
I want to conclude this content with a vivid true story of a young farmer. You can find it under this link. Enjoy it!

EXPLANATION OF THE PHOTOS BELOW: THOSE OUR AGRO-HOMEODYNAMIC PRODUCTS CONTAIN APPROPRIATE NATURAL VIBRATIONS FROM NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS WHICH OF COURSE ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATURAL ORDER. FOR PLANT BASED FOOD GROWING PER NATURAL ORDER, without pesticides, insecticides, other products that act on the basis of active substances that act on the consequences, but not on the real causes of problems in plants based food growing.
( “Those natural vibrations, that are also the “carriers” of biophotons* “are alive”. Biophotons* “carry” information by which everything that is holistically connected in the quantum networks of life, “operates and self-regulates” on holistic, whole mode . Artificial vibrations “produced” by technical devices do not have of these qualities) .
*Biophotons are spontaneous light emissions that occur within living organisms that assist with communication, signaling, growth, and differentiation. DNA is thought to be a source of biophotons.

Sources and reference
1. Družbene neenakosti in družbena pravičnost – ob svetovnem dnevu socialne pravičnosti, By Albin Kevc, poblished on Slovenian Global Action platform (SLOGA.org.), published 20. 2. 2019
2. Branko Milanovic, Global Inequality, A new approach for the age of globalization, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge masssachusets, 2016
3. World Inequality Report 2018.
4. John Rawls, Theory of Justice, Revised edition, Oxford University Press, 1999
5. Charles EisensteinČ Climate – New story
6. Posts from our Library section, by Author Majda Ortan, Eng., published on our EN WEBSITE

In Majda Ortan’s texts, I only state my personal reflections and my personal views. Dear readers, please take this into account! Thank you!
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