What will you get in content of this video?
– Personally from a developer of those great, advanced products, you’ll hear and watch about: -Advanced, innovative, sustainable natural products – SUSTAINABLE, NATURAL HOMEODYNAMIC BIO-QUANTUM PLANTS & SOIL – STIMULANTS without active substances, for effective plant’s LIFE FORCES strengthening (which directly causes the strengthening of the plants’ own vitality, and indirectly – through the strengthening of the plants own vitality, appropriate specific plant own resistances are also strengthened – to diseases, to pests, to all forms of plants stress, to various weather and climate factors). –Some issues about of history of those bio-quantum biostimulants development (which was mostly took place in certain natural ecosystems, in my lab – which has no quantum physics equipment), and the idea about this sort of products came to me in my high school years – in the old castle park and in the library that stands there), -about performance of those advanced, innovative, sustainable products – SUSTAINABLE, NATURAL HOMEODYNAMIC BIO-QUANTUM PLANTS & SOIL – STIMULANTS without active substances, for effective plant’s LIFE FORCES strengthening, about their effectiveness, about some exposed good practices in their use achieved by farmers and monitored by agricultural professionals.
IF YOU’re REPRESENT of appropriate COMPANY, ORGANISATION, ASSOTIATION, INSTITUTION, etc: the content of this educational video can also make a very meaningfull, educational business presentation. After atend on this video educational seminar, you’ll maybe find out, that you are interested in our mutual good business partnership.
All this in a 30 minute video!
With this video everyone has to be informed about those possibilities, which bring to humanity those innovative products – SUSTAINABLE, NATURAL HOMEODYNAMIC BIO-QUANTUM PLANTS & SOIL – STIMULANTS without active substances, for effective plant’s LIFE FORCES strengthening, for natural growing of (energy alive) crops for human’s food and animal feed.
Why? As first, because everyone eats food! So, this video is your chance to know about the most clean technology for effective, sustainable food growing. But this is not the only reason, the brain fitness is next. You won’t thinking too long about this video ordering, if you are aware, how influence may be this video innovative content for you, for your employees – if you are perhaps owner, CEO or manager in Company, Institution, Organisation. The experiance of extended boundarious & limits about very old beliefs of Agriculture are for human’s neuroplastic brains open locks for rivers of useful and ingenious innovation. Under link here you may know some more about this NOWADAYS THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC!
It’s your chance to know and see real possibilities for different world and different life! While food enables us or prevents us from becoming what we want to be, becoming and having. Start with advanced information from our video, while we indeed did and do this famous development, manufacturing and selling. This video you just need to have, to watch and to listen!
-Allow this amazing product also serve your (and / or your employees, business
partners) brain neuroplasticity.
-To increase breakthrough innovation
in your businesses, economies, communities.
-Under this link you can find the answer, what and how it causes,
irrespective of the nature of your business and branch.
-Regardless of whether your interests and / or industry is agriculture, advising,
climate, ecology or anything else.

Majda Ortan, General director, Founder, Owner, Developer, SPSC Ambasador (Sustainability Promoters & Sustainability Colaboration Ambasador), GSFN Enterprises Slovenia Chair – Soil Regeneration, Sustainable Agriculture, Ecosystem Management
Company: Ph. Agrohom. Ing. Majda Ortan s.p., Šmiklavž 26, 2381 Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenija, EU
Mail: info-homeo.cora.agro@ortan.si
T: 070 820 279, 00 386 70 820 279
WhatsApp: 00 386 820 279 -> Kindly, only allowed for written messages.