My Story, which marked my Life and became its Quantum Powers Leap and Mission of my Company
Often the gratest diamonds grow under the greatest pressure. And the most beautiful pearls grown in pain of shells, in which broke a grain of sand and hurt gentle shell’s meat. My life brings for me such conditions, that as child I hide my Powers od Divine gift, which I bring into this Life as Godness gift – my rare talents. I need to become adult to may choose to let them live, to let them to be visible and use them by gave myself self-support for me from myself.
On this our EN web site and on our Slovenian web site, you may get some information, how amazing are results of such my choise.
People often ask me, how it is possible.
I have answer to this question as well my company has it. I will share this my personal story in Introduction part on 1st Modul of our SAE ENQP Academy™,while it has really strong message of wisdom.
I recently decided to present it briefly also here, on my web site, for all, who are interested in it – I’m sharing with you My Story, which marked my Life and became its Powers Divine Matrix Quantum Leap as well as Mission of my Company
BUT, be prepare to meet in this story Human being, who had to choose the path of the change…
Newertheles, what was needed to be done first from myself for me?
Than I set for me My path, per my own choise:
I am successful with my products, becouse what’s inside, it’s also outside. I chose Life!
My own decision, to live my own life, is my best choice!
I’m sharing with you My Story, which marked my Life and became its Powers Divine Matrix Quantum Leap as well as Mission of my Company.
Thank you, to touch each other through the touch of my message and your attention for it. You are welcome!